[XK] Server Ban Inquiries

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=The General=
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Post#136 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:46 pm

- Name you were under when you were banned
kyle da fag

- What server
[XK] Brawl in Montreal! thexkclan.com

- What you did if anything...
nothing... Image

- And if you know... who banned u.
I fail at turning off tk or someone had "the power" and simply hates me.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#137 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:32 pm

[XK]B•LàÐéN wrote:- Name you were under when you were banned
Rich Da Fag

- What server
[XK] Chronics Montreal (aka Betray Server)

- What you did if anything...
I blatently betrayed my teamates.

- And if you know... who banned u.

Unban me now.


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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#138 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:08 pm

wow, you are such a pro bumper :D

lets see if you can find a 2 yearold thread, and bump that shit
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#139 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:19 pm

- Name you were under when you were banned
Adam da Fag

- What server
[XK] Montreal! thexkclan.com

- What you did if anything...
nothing i dont think...

- And if you know... who banned u.
not sure!!

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=The General=
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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#140 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:13 pm

It's like people got a thing against fags

So fucked up
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#141 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:49 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:It's like people got a thing against fags

So fucked up

its okay, i'm still here for u
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

=The General=
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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#142 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:41 pm

- Name you were under when you were banned


- What server

- What you did if anything...

Evidently I'm not allowed to kill in a shooting game or race in a racing server, at least on foot.

- And if you know... who banned u.



I was trying to race as you can see in the vid. I just wanted to do it on foot. Using my gun shouldn't be a crime and yes I didn't have my xk tags on, but I didn't really know what profile I was under and I wasn't about to quit the server for something so petty.

And actually I don't care if you unban me or not, I just have never gotten to post one of these yet.

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#143 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:54 pm

Racing on foot, see I never would have thought of something like that.
I guess boxer didn't approve of that idea. haha
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#144 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:13 am

[XK]Erøsion wrote:I was trying to race as you can see in the vid. I just wanted to do it on foot. Using my gun shouldn't be a crime and yes I didn't have my xk tags on, but I didn't really know what profile I was under and I wasn't about to quit the server for something so petty.

wear your tags or diserve to get banned.
ScreaM: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6071&p=64340#p64340
[XK]Naz: the fuck are you
ScreaM: remember
ScreaM: scream
ScreaM: lol tried for xk?
[XK]Naz: oh god not you
ScreaM: im not souless

{xk} «ÑéêtØ»: if it aint white it aint right
[XK]Erøsion wrote:
look at this nigga hating. just because you cant rock a fedora lmao i own like 5.

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#145 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:21 am

XK·FD~Nazi` wrote:
[XK]Erøsion wrote:I was trying to race as you can see in the vid. I just wanted to do it on foot. Using my gun shouldn't be a crime and yes I didn't have my xk tags on, but I didn't really know what profile I was under and I wasn't about to quit the server for something so petty.

wear your tags or diserve to get banned.

Kind of an old rule that I don't think anyone really cares about anymore plus I already stated why I didn't.

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#146 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:31 am

ill gladly unban you, but wearing your tags would have easily prevented this from happening; or AT LEAST stating WHO you are after joining wouldnt hurt either (if you did this and i didnt see im sorry). to me u looked like a random no name that i had to warn, remind, kick (3 times!), and then ban. tags in-game is an age old rule and i wasnt aware that we stopped following it. also, since it wasnt an indoor race and/or a designated "footrace" ur ass needed to be ina hog ;)

edit: lol that vids funny cuz its so clear u were camping

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#147 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:30 pm

I actually found out it was Pun who was kicking me, we had a good laugh about it.

wat? I wasn't camping. I was clearly going for the flags lololol. If I was camping I would have just stayed at one of the bases, but I clearly deviated from the way I was walking the map to get the flags. I just could never make it out of the middle without getting auto-kicked. When I started recording if you would actually look, you would see I had already gathered all the flags behind me and was making my 2nd trip back.

Also the last time I entered the server before I got banned I barely could do anything, died right away and got auto-banned. The time before that, I spawned and was following Adam who was also walking on foot, and was kicked.

edit: ineverwearmytagsunlessitsxkvsxkscrimsorxkvsotherpeoplescrimsbecauseitspointlesstogetflamedbyshittyplayersinyourownserver

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#148 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:46 pm

lol pun, even he knows campers when he sees em
well now you know - there's no reason in hell we should be kicking you out 3 times

in the vid you walk right past a rocket hog, next time get in it and drive, thx
i can post entire list of rules if u like

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#149 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:28 pm

[XK]Erøsion wrote:I actually found out it was Pun who was kicking me, we had a good laugh about it.

wat? I wasn't camping. I was clearly going for the flags lololol. If I was camping I would have just stayed at one of the bases, but I clearly deviated from the way I was walking the map to get the flags. I just could never make it out of the middle without getting auto-kicked. When I started recording if you would actually look, you would see I had already gathered all the flags behind me and was making my 2nd trip back.

Also the last time I entered the server before I got banned I barely could do anything, died right away and got auto-banned. The time before that, I spawned and was following Adam who was also walking on foot, and was kicked.

edit: ineverwearmytagsunlessitsxkvsxkscrimsorxkvsotherpeoplescrimsbecauseitspointlesstogetflamedbyshittyplayersinyourownserver

if so LOLS i cant even remmeber , sorry to be of no help erosion, im normaly racing if on this occation i was walking idk why!

I think everyone seems to have a different idea of what 'camping' is soo maybe this should be clearly listed and stated what it entails, my understanding is that

'' Camping :: sitting and waiting in a hog, on foot, etc. for the intent of killing another player. If your life isnt in danger on a Race map you should be driving. If you have to stop to shoot to save your life this isnt considered camping. ''

good day!

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Re: [XK] Server Ban Inquiries

Post#150 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:28 pm

Erosion I care that you were unfairly banned; Me and my hommie pooscooper fully support you in taking boxer and punisher to court over this highly important matter.

Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
Pøoscooper▓▒: that is why i act like a retard online
Pøoscooper▓▒: to protect my identity

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