I recently played Halo with a few of you. Ill randomly join TS and play if people are playing. I am real active on BF3 and have a platoon I play with regularly. I do plan on playing Diablo 3 if it's not crap and some up coming future titles.
anyways add me on battlelog = IXKI_Death
*copy and paste the name if you have trouble adding me.
I am in the xk platoon but my primary platoon is TBG (True Born Gamers) tbgclan.com
If you join our servers in BF3 a few rules you must abide or else you will get auto banned and it will not be lifted.
Main rules
1) applies to TS as well* No racist comments, words, phrases, names of any kind... don't try bypassing the filter either...theres always an admin whos actively playing on the servers, and if by any chance theres not they do check logs.
2) No glitching of any kind.
60% of these guys are military vets or active they're professional in there demeanor but they do joke and have fun in game and in TS just like any gamer would.
I would really like some of you to hang out in our servers and become regulars. It would be real fun =).
thats pretty much it see ya in game.
if you have questions pm me or message me on battlelog or msn messenger.