Halo: Portable Edition

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Halo: Portable Edition

Post#1 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:16 pm

The HPE was developed by Souless (at the time, in the 3oo Clan). The idea behind the project was to allow new Halo players to get halo without any hassles. HPE automatically sets up Halo, without the need of a CD Key or any cracking software. You do not have to update or overwrite any files at all; the setup is built-in with the required files. The HPE Setup now comes in 5 flavors. The HPE-MP, HPE-FP and HPE-CE all install the cracked version of Halo. Essentially it is unethical to create a Halo Legit installer since it requires a CD key and the CD itself. These were all made 100% by Souless for future Halo noobs. Enjoy

Installs Halo Combat Evolved with only the Multiplayer Maps activated.
Size - 320 MB
Req - 780 MB
Link - http://files.filefront.com/HPEMPexe/;9623578;/fileinfo.html

Installs Halo Combat Evolved with all the maps activated, including Campaign and Multiplayer maps.
Size - 680 MB
Req - 1400 MB
Link - http://files.filefront.com/HPEFPexe/;9612257;/fileinfo.html

Installs Halo Custom Edition with all the default maps activated (which is only the Multiplayer maps).
Size - 140 MB
Req - 480 MB
Link - http://files.filefront.com/HPECEexe/;9612182;/fileinfo.html

Installs the Halo PC Dedicated Server (Souless Hacked) including all Multiplayer maps and a little program to ease your hosting experience.
Size - 120 MB
Req - 360 MB
Link - http://files.filefront.com/HPEDEDexe/;9639077;/fileinfo.html

For those of you who already installed Halo 1.07 (the legit version), this allows you to switch between 1.04 and 1.07
Size - 10 MB
Req - 20 MB
Link - http://files.filefront.com/HPVSexe/;9634981;/fileinfo.html

None of these are fully compatible with Vista, when you are trying to install without administrative rights. However, all of these will work with admin rights on Vista.

They all work without admin rights on 98/2000/2003 Server/XP and Linux w/ Wine.

If you find problems at school or work (due to Vista) or some other administrative problems, please attempt to install this at home (or at somebody else's house) onto a USB drive. When you are prompted to select the directory, make sure you select a folder on your USB drive.

If you need any further assistance, please visit the support page here.
Last edited by shankedup on Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:05 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

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Post#2 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:20 am

Download released uploading right now;

by the time you see this the upload should be done (please check first post for download link)
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#3 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:11 am

:?: I'm lost at what that cracked setup is suppose to do.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#4 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:17 am

i posted this in the K2 forums before (i should update the main page)::

Halo PC Cracked Setup basically allows users to install the cracked version of Halo without any of the hassles.

This is obviously meant for new players or people who need Halo (reinstall or maybe corrupt files) Cracked Version (1.04)

The setup does not require overwriting any files for cracking, or any CD keys for halo. Like i said previously, this is meant for new players who would like to play Halo (like before, or for reinstallation)

This is also an installation for Work/Skool uses (for those noobs who want to play halo during those times)....
This setup will bypass any admin required privileges and install Halo without any errors (due to security enforced).
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#5 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:24 pm

Dont download its a h4x0r virus - turn your PC into jelly, which then expands and suffocates you in your sleep...

theres no escape...




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Post#6 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:18 pm

lets see what it does to a school computer tomorrow
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Post#7 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:42 pm

[XK]Mistake wrote:lets see what it does to a school computer tomorrow

im gonna try it too, been wanting to play a decent game at school for awhile

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Post#8 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:13 pm

make sure u install it in a valid directory: where u dont need admin privileges to access:::

It works fine on computers at my skool, if u have any problems post it here (with the error or message you recieve)
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#9 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:27 pm

[XK]`K!`TT´¥´ wrote:
[XK]Mistake wrote:lets see what it does to a school computer tomorrow

im gonna try it too, been wanting to play a decent game at school for awhile

Well, Soulless, you've found a market to cater your product to...lol

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Post#10 » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:23 pm

well this isnt the place to sell it..
since all the nubs dont even know what forums are:

if you guys know anybody that needs halo *cracked of course*, you should share this product with them..:D
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#11 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:15 pm

one question..

my school pcs.
we have shared areas.

so i cannot install anything, like a program etc, but i can save and download stuff to my shared area on the drive. will that still mean it will run? which directory will i need to use?

Halo Warrior: OS- uL` [XK] [HG] [SM] ~DRA~ $7


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Post#12 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:27 pm

you can run this program, since it does not require admin priveleges (it actually bypasses the need, for vista users where the firewall searches for the "user profile" code)

you should install this into a seperate folder on your shared drive (it SHOULD work, remember you cant edit registry keys so you MAY not be able to play internet games)

save it anywhere you feel necessary (if you want to hide it, place it in some obscure named folder)

other than that, this is a regular installation file
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#13 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:07 am

downloading now

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Post#14 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:12 am

at my skool:

worked on vista, 2000, 98, xp and XP SP1 systems
msg me if u have any probs
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#15 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:20 am

its taking a fucking hour to copy the download to the place I ordered the download to go.

compress moar
Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

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