04, 2004, version 1.04

Our presence in 02 04 demo
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04, 2004, version 1.04

Post#1 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:12 am

Back when [XK] was in 04, 2004 version 1.04 there was dedicated servers and everyone rivaled with [XK] because we were undefeated. Yes, undefeated for a few years. That statement alone allowed us to attract many skilled people. When we brought them to the full version we were up against hundreds of clans and new types of combat and rules that we wern't used to that it made 1.04 look like a girl scouts.

That’s what 1.04 is- and, many of you hide your names when you play in the full version because you’re too afraid to represent your clan because you cannot infiltrate or understand how good we really are. You're too amazed. Overall we have a roster of 40+ members and each member is ranked accordingly not only to skill but to other [XK]-elemental characteristics. We do house pro or semi-pro players who have belonged to other old school clans that have dominated the leagues in KW [KLANWARS]; a league where you play other clans to compete for first place, every day playing different clans and did so for many years. Some of these legends include FOX, RoK UFA, DRA and TIMEBOMB. If you’ve never heard of these clans or you don’t know anyone in these clans then you shouldn’t talk about things like longevity, respect or skill.

1.04 is fun because it is easy and is a prelude to the full. It is boot camp for the real war that you have been too afraid to enter. It's ok, it is, I too was a noob. I hosted in my zero ping server for 2 years. I was horrible and played in 04 to get better. That is why I will always venture back to 04 to revisit the e-drama days and saying things like respect? Na, shut the fuck up. Going into dozens of forums and calling them out for matches and simply being an asshole because [XK] always backs up our words. It was fun but a lot of these e-dramatic days are over because [XK] has defeated and made all of our rivalries in-active. LOL! The players exist but theses "core-clans" are gone and our roster gets bigger because they have come to us: The Xenophobian Kollective. We run this shit and you are incapable of understanding how we do it so well so you aimbot in fear.

There is however few that are respected because they understand what this game is all about. Respect automatically without question because we’re ultimately making your gaming experience knowledgeable. Bottom line.

The general 04er cling to {TDC}CEO “the most dangerous man in all of Haloâ€
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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Re: 04, 2004, version 1.04

Post#2 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:33 am

{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#3 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:40 am

The truth, so new people, don't tell me anything about respect and don't shout commands at me, 'cause I been in XK from 1.01 till 1.07 for many years. Sometimes I get sick of this bitch fighting about the forum, seriously longevity is to be earned not to bitch about. As you are able to smell the pride of the [XK] Clan you should know better, don't bitch, don't BOT or HACK, don't BAN people for NO reason, especially you Mikey. And ofcourse, respect your fellow members, especially the Leaders and Co-leaders.

A joke is fine, but never disrespect your own clan member(s).

My respect for: B, Roc, Boxer, Naut and Bubonic.

These great members diserve a HUGE amount of respect; as they would NEVER:

    -Play without his/her tag
    -Disrespect fellow members
    -Ban random innocent people
    -Create issues in the clan
    -Leave the clan

I ofcourse could make up alot more, but I'm running out of time.. :roll:

Thumbs up to these members.
B, you're tha man ! :wink:

ScreaM: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6071&p=64340#p64340
[XK]Naz: the fuck are you
ScreaM: remember
ScreaM: scream
ScreaM: lol tried for xk?
[XK]Naz: oh god not you
ScreaM: im not souless

{xk} «ÑéêtØ»: if it aint white it aint right
[XK]Erøsion wrote:
look at this nigga hating. just because you cant rock a fedora lmao i own like 5.

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Post#4 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:35 am


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Post#5 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:56 pm


Boxer left a while ago, then talked shit, then rejoined

bubonic is gay (search yourporn.com for [xk]Bubby)

B and Roc are in that vid too
Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

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[XK] УåH
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Post#6 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:42 am

Many of these new gen. kids think theyre all that...beat a couple of old school legends and think they can't be beat. 04 was straight up old school skill. Not only was there no bot, but the best of the best would come to 1 server if 1 side lost you would see the score and 9/10 would be 50-49. Luck? Nah I call that skill. You where spotted right away if you showed great talent..notice i didnt say talent, "Great Talent". Once KW's came along people had a chance to finally get their name on a website and a #1 next to their name. But we all knew who was who, back in those days people would do the nubbiest crap to win, be cheap as possible and you get the win...that wasnt our style...we as a clan werent going to go that low to prove how good we are. Yea we did KW's..so we where bored.. can u blame us? Nah we didnt get #1 all the time.. we rather get the 3sk in melle range then to spam your ass with nades..we know damn well 2 nades can kill you...ever asked yourself why we dont throw the nades?

To be honest these people move on, get lifes, get another game :roll: and forget everything in a day.

We dont forget. [XK] Doesn't forget. We know true skill when we see it. We know someone that has the potential to become a great player in this Ol' game we love so much.

We're just better than you. So keep Envying.



Image <--sig made for me by the legendary zorg back in 05' =O


[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: i got 3D class's on
[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: o0
[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: its cool

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Post#7 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:58 am

True dat.

Newlings think they're the shit, I mean wow..

I came in XK EU ded couple of days ago, so I see these jealous kids with names like ³¤¡³¤¡³²¡¤¡²¤€®..

You can smell the hate and jealousy at XK, they all play under those names instead of their clan tag, I mean wow get a life puss. They talk bigger than my balls are, and once I give em 2 headshots they like: 'lol botter'.

And Mikey, settle the fuck down, you talk too big and you cause alot of 'drama' here, seriously I mean it, and don't be like 'omg u want me out' cause I say this, but seriously stop banning random people for owning you and stop talking awful bullshit, you make yourself (and XK) look stupid.

ScreaM: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6071&p=64340#p64340
[XK]Naz: the fuck are you
ScreaM: remember
ScreaM: scream
ScreaM: lol tried for xk?
[XK]Naz: oh god not you
ScreaM: im not souless

{xk} «ÑéêtØ»: if it aint white it aint right
[XK]Erøsion wrote:
look at this nigga hating. just because you cant rock a fedora lmao i own like 5.

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[XK] HòMìCíDé
=Old Schooler=
Posts: 215

Post#8 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:40 am

sup mike :P
The Defaced
Xbox Live Account: XKp01n7

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