I'm down B.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:And don't get run over by a popped ghost that's going backwards when I give you frg (lash)
Ero: There's an frg outside base.
Lash: K, I got it.
Ero: There's two ghosts coming in.
Lash: K I got... oops. LOL
Ero: YOU
If it was an hpt or kw, I'd prolly be pissed off at that be sidewinder game considering it was 2-2. Lucky that was my first time playing halo in like 2-3 months...so I forgave myself.
That was just one of those moments you want to quit halo and come back 4 weeks later. I was basically on ladder with an frg as I was on my way top before hearing a ghost in base...but I was about half way on the ladder...which is basically a bad position considering I can't see but a wall in front of me. Now if you've been playing anywhere near 7 years you know that when you are facing forward on a ladder pressing downwards makes you go upwards. HOWEVER, pressing upwards makes you fucking fall off completely. Ghost was already in base... So as soon as I hit forward to get a better angle, I free fall straight to the bottom(think I even took fall damage, which makes recovery time 2x worse) ...just my luck...a ghost was already 2 cm from me and closing in as it was backing up. You get these head slamming moments every once in awhile. Didn't think I'd get it playing fucking Red-I though LOL.
Either way that was fucking funny, but your frustration was justified that game ero, LoL. The ending was ridiculous.
Oh, and thanks for killing that guy by the rocks at our one, LmAo. He was literally there for like 5-8 minutes of the game...and I did not feel confident enough to go out and kill him as he had rocks. So I just stood still on top of our base with sniper waiting for him to pop out for like 8 minutes