[XK]Erøsion wrote:dat 13% accuracy doe
[XK]Erøsion wrote:I've never talked to a crackhead so I wouldn't be able to say how they talk. Guess I cannot say the same for you.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:The title at the top of the screenie that says "BATTLEFIELD 4" let me know that that game is indeed not halo. My accuracy was 17%? Considering I played the game like 2 days instead of over a year I'd say that's notbad.jpg
[XK]Erøsion wrote:What's 88 kills 96 deaths? Don't know what your talking about. I can assume maybe my ratio over that day and a half I tried that game? Mb? Can't be an allstar at every game right from the get go sorry I set those expectations so high
[XK]!B• wrote:[XK]Erøsion wrote:The title at the top of the screenie that says "BATTLEFIELD 4" let me know that that game is indeed not halo. My accuracy was 17%? Considering I played the game like 2 days instead of over a year I'd say that's notbad.jpg
I played the game for about 8 months and yes your accuracy is 17% in BF3 so to make the comment 'dat 13% accuracy doe' means to say that you're either trolling me or making a fuss over a 4% difference. Hilarious.
[XK]!B• wrote:[XK]Erøsion wrote:What's 88 kills 96 deaths? Don't know what your talking about. I can assume maybe my ratio over that day and a half I tried that game? Mb? Can't be an allstar at every game right from the get go sorry I set those expectations so high
You know what I'm talking about because you're going negative in your k/d ratio. No wonder you don't play BF3, you're just bad at it. The reason why you probably still play halo so you can boss kids and feel good about yourself.
Personally, if you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say it all. But than again, when have you ever said anything nice to anyone...ever?
[XK]Erøsion wrote:...8 months is a long time on a game, don't act like it's a short period.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:You making fun of me for being bad at a game when I have played it 1-2 days is hilarious.
[XK]!B• wrote:[XK]Erøsion wrote:...8 months is a long time on a game, don't act like it's a short period.
How long did you play Halo for? If 8 months is a "long time" according to your logic how would define your time spent with Halo?
[XK]!B• wrote:[XK]Erøsion wrote:You making fun of me for being bad at a game when I have played it 1-2 days is hilarious.
No you're making fun of yourself. Clearly the game requires no skill that's why you go horribly negative and don't play the trash, like you said, right?
[XK]Erøsion wrote:I've played this game a few years yes, don't know how that's relevant. Either way in 8 months one should be pretty decent at most aspects of a game (if they are playing regularly of course). I would assume BF4 is your primary game since from what I remember you aren't a fan of Dayz and I'm not sure how much Minecraft is played these days.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:Again for me it is funny because the % of your shots hitting was so low yet your kills so high. Clearly shows a scenario of a lot of spamming with an automatic weapon into some corridor or other confined area. How big is 1 clip on w/e weapon your using? 30 rounds? That's like 4 bullets every clip. lol.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:How did I make fun of myself? The game does require a lesser skill set but just because I was subpar at the game for playing it a few hours doesn't mean I would be terrible at it if I played as much as you had.
The point is I would not be shooting 13% after 8 months or however long you played the game. It most certainly would be higher.
[XK]!B• wrote:When I started playing bf4 my accuracy started at roughly 10% now its almost at 11% and its been a month if that...
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