Nub 04 Two

Our presence in 02 04 demo
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=The General=
Posts: 4358

Nub 04 Two

Post#1 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:26 am

Almost got triple digit kills in a 30 minute scrim. Probably a new high school for me in a single scrim.

Was playing with 04 kids against other 04 kids.

My team was annoying the hell out of me, by not holding their positions(letting the other team easily kill me when I have flag, or just letting like 3 guys come to our base easily) and backtapping and nading me. So "u guys suck" in the screenshot was actually addressed to my own team.

I wasn't shooting well because the server was from fucking K-mart, but you can watch both games here including the sub 100 bomb one (starts at 21:30):
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{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: Nub 04 Two

Post#2 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:09 pm


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=The General=
Posts: 4358

Re: Nub 04 Two

Post#3 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:41 pm

{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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