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Re: BF3

Post#46 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:55 pm

[XK]Disciple wrote:This Origin / server browser in browser bullshit is stupid.

it has its pros and cons

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Re: BF3

Post#47 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:44 am

Wow we never added a poll option did we. I was going to make one for PC/Platform/Both

Just curious to see what everyone here is going for.

I only tried the Beta on PC.. don't see why I should on any platforms... MAYBE if many friends play there then I suppose I'll do both....


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Re: BF3

Post#48 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:29 pm

Good idea Bub.

I'll be picking up this game seems like a lot of people will be playing it.
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Re: BF3

Post#49 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:47 am

ive been playing some bc2 today and really after going back to it from bf3... BF3 is on a whole new level, plus im a lot better at bf3 then I am bc2 lol.

I cant wait for next week.. :)..

anyone else getting it?.

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Re: BF3

Post#50 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:00 pm

=The General=
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Re: BF3

Post#51 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:28 am


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Re: BF3

Post#52 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:25 am

Hello there Mr. 2 months ago. EA changed the language in their EULA removing the marketing language and saying that they would never sell the info that they collect.

IF you still have a problem with EA collecting info, then i suggest you read the EULA of the other software that you have on your computer such as Xfire, Steam, your security software and even your operating system (Lets not even begin to dive into the online sites that you use such as facebook).

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#53 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:16 pm

IDK.... The beta was bad, super glitchy, maps are way to big. i did like the gun fire. i'll give it another chance though.

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Re: BF3

Post#54 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:16 am


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Re: BF3

Post#55 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:04 pm

This is all I play, PC of course.

I agree the beta was awful, but in their defense it was a 2 month old build.. Anyway, the release build is nearly flawless, other than some small things that don't affect you at all. Best shooter I've ever played, only real dislike is the lack of competitive players. ... 352488414/

And because I am an unpopular assface I will post my specs:

i7 930 @ 4.6Ghz
2 x EVGA GTX 570's
Two 1 Tb HDDs
1 64gb SSD for booting and gaming.
and a bunch of other shit you dont care about.

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#56 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:06 pm

This was a great game...The graphics are incredible. I did have a lot of gliching at the end of the game apprently so did many people (360) problem only. i expected a bit more in the missions, the story didn't touch MW3, the 2nd mission in mw3 was more action packed and intense then the end of bf3.

it comes down to BF3 going for graphics and MW3 going for story and game play.

BF3 8/10

MW3 9/10

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Re: BF3

Post#57 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:39 am

lol skyrim>all

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Re: BF3

Post#58 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:35 am

[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:This was a great game...The graphics are incredible. I did have a lot of gliching at the end of the game apprently so did many people (360) problem only. i expected a bit more in the missions, the story didn't touch MW3, the 2nd mission in mw3 was more action packed and intense then the end of bf3.

it comes down to BF3 going for graphics and MW3 going for story and game play.

BF3 8/10
MW3 9/10

Those look like IGN scores and we all know IGN is basically Activision's bitch (due to ad-revenue).

I haven't played BF3 singleplayer but I don't expect much from it anyways since battlefield series is always about multiplayer (Yes yes EA said that BF3 is about both but lets be real here). I have, however, played MW3 singleplayer and I wasn't as impressed with it as I thought I would be. It continued the story but it has the feeling of one of those action fighting films where the dudes never run out of ammo. Endless amounts of Russians coming out of no where, I still can't shoot through a piece of metal roofing, and you can't hit shit with a gun unless you are scoped in. And don't get me started on falling out of an exploding building, acting like you are hurt, then dusting it off like nothing happened only to make it across this giant open area where you are surrounded by dozens of enemies shooting at you both on foot and in vehicles where the only time they can hit you is if you stand still. Come on.
I will say that the black ops missions after the campaign are fun though.

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Re: BF3

Post#59 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:10 pm

Skyrim>All Indeed, did this about an hour ago.


Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#60 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:22 pm

[XK]Garniso wrote:
[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:This was a great game...The graphics are incredible. I did have a lot of gliching at the end of the game apprently so did many people (360) problem only. i expected a bit more in the missions, the story didn't touch MW3, the 2nd mission in mw3 was more action packed and intense then the end of bf3.

it comes down to BF3 going for graphics and MW3 going for story and game play.

BF3 8/10
MW3 9/10

Those look like IGN scores and we all know IGN is basically Activision's bitch (due to ad-revenue).

I haven't played BF3 singleplayer but I don't expect much from it anyways since battlefield series is always about multiplayer (Yes yes EA said that BF3 is about both but lets be real here). I have, however, played MW3 singleplayer and I wasn't as impressed with it as I thought I would be. It continued the story but it has the feeling of one of those action fighting films where the dudes never run out of ammo. Endless amounts of Russians coming out of no where, I still can't shoot through a piece of metal roofing, and you can't hit shit with a gun unless you are scoped in. And don't get me started on falling out of an exploding building, acting like you are hurt, then dusting it off like nothing happened only to make it across this giant open area where you are surrounded by dozens of enemies shooting at you both on foot and in vehicles where the only time they can hit you is if you stand still. Come on.
I will say that the black ops missions after the campaign are fun though.

I never did like the battlefield multiplayer, the sniping kills it for me. and i'm not a big fan of mw3 multiplayer, it's not my MW2 multi. I did play the story on veteran and at no point was the game easy.

I'm so sick of them kinda games anyway. i can't wait tell Doom 4 comes out or another Resident Evil, I always play for story.


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