[XK]Disciple wrote:This Origin / server browser in browser bullshit is stupid.
it has its pros and cons
[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:This was a great game...The graphics are incredible. I did have a lot of gliching at the end of the game apprently so did many people (360) problem only. i expected a bit more in the missions, the story didn't touch MW3, the 2nd mission in mw3 was more action packed and intense then the end of bf3.
it comes down to BF3 going for graphics and MW3 going for story and game play.
BF3 8/10
MW3 9/10
[XK]Garniso wrote:[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:This was a great game...The graphics are incredible. I did have a lot of gliching at the end of the game apprently so did many people (360) problem only. i expected a bit more in the missions, the story didn't touch MW3, the 2nd mission in mw3 was more action packed and intense then the end of bf3.
it comes down to BF3 going for graphics and MW3 going for story and game play.
BF3 8/10
MW3 9/10
Those look like IGN scores and we all know IGN is basically Activision's bitch (due to ad-revenue).
I haven't played BF3 singleplayer but I don't expect much from it anyways since battlefield series is always about multiplayer (Yes yes EA said that BF3 is about both but lets be real here). I have, however, played MW3 singleplayer and I wasn't as impressed with it as I thought I would be. It continued the story but it has the feeling of one of those action fighting films where the dudes never run out of ammo. Endless amounts of Russians coming out of no where, I still can't shoot through a piece of metal roofing, and you can't hit shit with a gun unless you are scoped in. And don't get me started on falling out of an exploding building, acting like you are hurt, then dusting it off like nothing happened only to make it across this giant open area where you are surrounded by dozens of enemies shooting at you both on foot and in vehicles where the only time they can hit you is if you stand still. Come on.
I will say that the black ops missions after the campaign are fun though.
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