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=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: BF3

Post#16 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:54 am

*til not tell

Am I known? lmao. You aren't even qualified to ask that question because you don't know anybody left

I didn't ask for a joke. I asked to know what your occupation was that allowed you to spend ridiculous amounts of money on games/computers and the ability to destroy perfectly good games.

You were a good shooter but you were never a smart player. Don't get the two confused

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#17 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:19 am

[XK]Erøsion wrote:*til not tell

Am I known? lmao. You aren't even qualified to ask that question because you don't know anybody left

I didn't ask for a joke. I asked to know what your occupation was that allowed you to spend ridiculous amounts of money on games/computers and the ability to destroy perfectly good games.

You were a good shooter but you were never a smart player. Don't get the two confused

This is true i never liked big matches, 2v2's and lower is what i always played.

Yes I'm very qualified to ask that question. anybody that's still playing this game is nobody... main reason why i stopped playing competitive two years ago. i could probably list 30 really good people that you never heard of.

And wtf does it matter i broke a POS game, what was i going to do with it take it back? :lol:
last time i checked you couldn't do that.

CLEARLY I've done something right in my life to sit around building computers and smashing games i have no need for.

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: BF3

Post#18 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:01 am

2v2s and lower (which rly just means 1v1s) require no skill, correct.

Go ahead and make your list, I'm sure I've heard of most of them and played with half of them. I've played with pretty much every clique in halo. The only clan hopper bigger than me is Con.

I don't care that you broke a game. I was just wondering what the fuck you did for a living that allowed you do such things, but I was just informed you just inherited a shit load of money so I guess that's nice. Not really doing something 'right' just being lucky I guess.

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#19 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:18 am

[XK]Erøsion wrote:2v2s and lower (which rly just means 1v1s) require no skill, correct.

Go ahead and make your list, I'm sure I've heard of most of them and played with half of them. I've played with pretty much every clique in halo. The only clan hopper bigger than me is Con.

I don't care that you broke a game. I was just wondering what the fuck you did for a living that allowed you do such things, but I was just informed you just inherited a shit load of money so I guess that's nice. Not really doing something 'right' just being lucky I guess.

"2v2s and lower (which rly just means 1v1s) require no skill, correct" Thanks for clarifying how much of a noob you are.

And yes i inherited some money, i invested some of that money and now co-own a business. and as for the people i got one for you.

Who was DAN.

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: BF3

Post#20 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:26 am

lmao 2 ez inf dan who played with chief (and nobody liked either) and he owned kw but wouldn't unban 1 fucking person and basically ruined kw by temping sod to give him the ole ddad <- playing with mustang

thnx next on list plz.

And no 2v2s require very little skill. Lot of nading and timing pups (which you probably never did anyways).

And if you think 1v1s require even an ounce of skill you're delusional. Camp nade wash repeat.

5v5s have always been the standard for skill in pretty much any fps game from source to halo to CoD. Lmao fucking 2v2s taking skill. get out of here. You know nothing Jon Snow

What type of business. That's pretty generic.

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=The General=
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Re: BF3

Post#21 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:45 pm

Erosion knows his history. I'm kinda curious how.

I got one. I bet you'll never guess who DT omega was.

[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:Who was DAN.

I thought you said you were listing really good people, lol.

[XK]Erøsion wrote: <- playing with mustang

The music is totally unnecessary, can barely hear shit.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#22 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:50 pm

Good job you know your history. 2v2s shows killing skill. And I never nade ask anybody :) 5v5s show team base skill. You just keep showing the rest of us how much of a noob you really are.

Life story.

I'm married with two children

I have two dogs, 1 cat.

My wife is attending le cordon bleu for culinary arts

My friend has a window cleaning company. I put my own money into it, now I own half. last year the business took in $750.000.

Lost virginity at 13

Been going to CVTC tech for criminal justice.

Never played sports.

Now you know.

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#23 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:58 pm

No dan wasn't good. Just wanted to see if he knew who started kw. Clearly he's done some research, I bet I could get him on a few. Lol

All things aside whats really bugging you? why did you jump off when i mad a simple mom joke? lol you've always been a bit on the edge with me. anyway I'm sorry if i offended you or your mother.

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Re: BF3

Post#24 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:31 pm

[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:Been going to CVTC tech for criminal justice.

You going to become a Po-lice?

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#25 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:34 pm

[XK]Garniso wrote:
[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:Been going to CVTC tech for criminal justice.

You going to become a Po-lice?

Maybe. I'll probably continue with a bachelor after.

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Re: BF3

Post#26 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:39 pm

are 5v5s really the test of skill for CoD?
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct
[01:08] [XK] | =JHF= Chewy: say that again.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct

Jedi Master
Posts: 896

Re: BF3

Post#27 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:42 pm

[XK]Chewy wrote:are 5v5s really the test of skill for CoD?

Yes cause it's a team base game. Very easy to kill.

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Re: BF3

Post#28 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:44 pm

ive got CoD 2 if anyone here thinks they are manlier than me
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct
[01:08] [XK] | =JHF= Chewy: say that again.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct

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Re: BF3

Post#29 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:04 pm

[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:
[XK]Garniso wrote:
[XK]~ZoTOb! wrote:Been going to CVTC tech for criminal justice.

You going to become a Po-lice?

Maybe. I'll probably continue with a bachelor after.

You natural po-lice eh?

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Re: BF3

Post#30 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:47 pm

Imagine going for a job interview and then reading these posts out loud to show they should pick you.


The real question is, do you know who IFE was?
My research indicates you are a noob, with a confidence interval of 9001%, and a p-value of -0xdeadn00b.

[21:42] [XK] Ømêgå: the noobs talk french
[21:42] Mr [ZaP]Pooscooper: word
[21:42] Mr [ZaP]Pooscooper: french should be an illegal language


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