Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3

Post#1 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:02 pm

Just so you know, I'm currently downloading the alpha build (got an email of ea inviting to try it out = win)

garn check your emails case you got an invite, as mine said:

''As one of our valued and trusted Battlefield players, we are happy to invite you to participate in the Battlefield 3 Alpha Trial. All the instructions you need to join are printed below.''

will let you know how it cracks up to be.

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#2 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:33 am


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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#3 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:24 am

lol, garn move this topic to member's section so I can post some screens and shit, not supposed to post info on public places.

Its pretty good and very much like bc2 mixed with stuff from cod with better graphics, just shame there's only one map to play (metro station) and just rush atm, but its good how the first section starts in a park once those 2 are destroyed you move into the subway, after that back outside in the city, a good mix! Its easier to kill people then in bc2. maybe a little to much blur effect used in movement more then my liking, might just be me though.

few glitches here and there but this is alpha.

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#4 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:22 pm

okay going to go over a quick pros and cons:


weapons more powerful
throw knifes
sniper seems ALOT better
quick loading times


performance issues, SLI isnt yet working which blows for me, my gtx 460 (running single) gets me around 30-40fps ish with max ress for my monitor and graphics on high (you cant change many graphical settings, alpha eh). which is playable but im expecting to be up and above the 60fps mark come sli working, probs more, it isnt optimized at all.
3d spotting, it was annoying in bc2, its still here now, makes the game unrealistic.
bluring maybe over done in movement, but i think thats more to do with my fps, when my fps is up it looks great.

Right first port of call is the battlefield battlelog website, this is in fact where you start the game from, your browse the servers from browser and not ingame, although I think this is just for alpha (hopes), the site is easy enough to navigate though, so its not to bad.
first screen your welcomed with and there's a lot of stuck locked still, to join a multi player game just hit quick join and it boots it up pretty fast.
browse server list
profile + stand screens

map operation metro is the only map you can play at the moment, its split into 3 sections.. first the park, the subway and then back onto ground level in the city. Issues with this at the moment though, the first section in the park seems to easy for the defending team (maybe my team are just shit) but the amount of times you'll play it and not get past the first stage is a joke, and its a shame as the subway bit is great after...
deployment and kit screens, not many options as alpha!.

this is the park bit to begin with below, there's a lot more plants/trees to hind behind then what was in bc2, and you can really stay hidden. You can now crawl along the ground now to.
new repair tool

vehicles, at the moment just the 'LAV-25' is in, which is handly amphibious, though haven't tried driving it in the water yet.

subway part, love this bit of the map, quite a few bottlenecks to this map some areas are really dark, they have changed the red sight a bit now so sometimes u see a laser aiming around from others which is a nice touch!.

other things to note, there is now NO MEDIC, instead assault carries the difib, which seemed a little odd to me at first, the medic has been replace with support which now carries the ammo instead, and has a far more range of different weapons. Weapons seem more powerful then in bc2, say your 2v1 in close quarters, you now have a real chance of dropping both of them instead of just getting raped like before. You can throw knifes too, haven't managed to kill anyone by throwing one yet though.

I'll post some more updates when I have some.

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#5 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:41 pm

Brevity is the soul of the wit.

Which is why that game looks like it'll suck.

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#6 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:44 pm

[XK]Erøsion wrote:Brevity is the soul of the wit.

Which is why that game looks like it'll suck.

well you didnt like bc2 anyways?.

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#7 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:53 pm

The game looks sick as hell and is going to be bad ass. It really says something when a developer waits 6 years to produce a game simply b/c technology hasn't developed enough to the game properly.

- Spotting has been around since BF2 (maybe futher back idk) and it serves it purpose. It only becomes gay when it is too sensitive and picks people up when you can't see them. It is a server option so you can turn it off.

-Euro hates BC2 b/c he sucks at it, dies too easily, and cannot go around nubbing it up for a leet ratio

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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#8 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:48 am

[XK]Garniso wrote:game looks sick
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Re: Battlefield 3

Post#9 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:53 pm

play hardcore squad death match on isla. skill.



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