Chewy v. Neeto

video clips from the Halo community.
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Chewy v. Neeto

Post#1 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:57 pm


end score was like 25-9 me

fulll video no editing just music
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct
[01:08] [XK] | =JHF= Chewy: say that again.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#2 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:03 am

neeto #1 who wants some of this :cheer:

=The General=
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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#3 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:33 am

So this is what that facebook message I saw was about. I was going to say megaupload but this is better.

see u trying to make a few cents like me with the ads. lmAo

I know you like constructive feedback so here it is

1. Your graphics are really good.

2. You should be able to play better with them.

3. On your first kill it's really noticeable that you just spam shoot and THEN you try to lead your shots where he's going. Do the 2nd thing first and you'll kill him a shit load faster.

4. nice headshot on kill 2 but you need to turn or mess with your sound so that you can hear him spawn in. You should have heard him from that point (or at least saw him). At the very least pay more attention to your peripherals.

5. After watching more I've decided your mouse sensitivity needs to be like cut to 1/4th of whatever you have it on. It's way too fast for your brain to process (not making fun of you). I used to play on 1-1 on like 200 dpi only for the longest time. It's only recently I've NEEDED to actually up my sensitivity to play better. Idk if it's a by-product of how much I smoke all the time or if I'm just getting adjusted to shooting well.

6. Never walk around with a sniper out again. You simply aren't good enough to be able to do that. Hell I don't do it on caro unless I'm in certain situations. Luckily for you neeto sucks and you were able to shoot 4 sniper bullets and then a few shoots of pistol before dying. Against better people you wouldn't make it past 3 sniper bullets.

7. To be blunt just use the sniper for across map scenerios for now where it might be too far/hard to pistol from.

8. Backback reloading. Learn. Use it. Live by it. Melee reloading should only be done in situations where you can't be shot and are totally safe (or don't have ammofor 2nd weapon/2nd weapon sucks).

9. This means hitting "R" twice then hitting tab. You should hear it reload after like 2 seconds and then u can switch back, but you might as well just use your pistol at that point, backpack reload, then switch to your sniper. This allows you to shoot a lot more bullets in a shorter period of time so even if you suck/are shooting poorly, the higher amount of shots taken will mean a greater chance of success.

10. Looked like you tried to preshoot a bit at 3:45. Good. Do more of it. Not around every corner, but use your noggin.

11. See @ 4 min if you had backpack reloaded u might have killed him.mAybe

12. lol@neeto having no awareness at 5:50 I mean you just killed him from that spot and he looks the other way.

13. That shit that happened at 6:55 to you. That is my life every day.

14. Neeto if your reading this. Stop playing like an idiot. Porting up without looking top anywhere is just dumb.

15. Neeto in nasal voice: "iKnowww but I thought I had him" NO NEETO NO YOU DON'T KNOW. You play like brisk who I have said earlier plays like he's on acid 24/7. USE YOUR BRAIN. I KNOW YOU GOT ONE!

It's one story if you just don't have the hand/eye coordination/good pc/net to play halo. I won't berate you if you just simply can't shoot. It's entirely another thing to play like you have a block of wood instead of a brain.

I didn't watch the rest Chewy because I just can't watch 1v1 vids unless it's highly entertaining (this wasn't), but I hope the feedback helped. Wish more people recorded and uploaded stuff.

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#4 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:36 am

TL;DR: Chewy can get better. Neeto sucks. Euro is #1

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#5 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:46 pm

I shoulda have recorded those five 1v1s I had with Neeto a couple days ago too. But then again, I'm not legit so...
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#6 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:04 pm

it's really no secret that i'm the worst halo player here. i barely reinstalled the game last week and before that i quit playing for around a year. there's really no need to point out that i suck at this video game. however, i do appreciate the feedback that erosion has given. thank you.

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#7 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:04 am

No one expects you to be good neeto and I'm not being mean, just honest. If I stopped playing for a shitload of time and came back I'd suck dick too, but I'd still know how to play the game. When to push, how to manuvear the map, etc.

To be honest I just think over your 5 years of playing the game nobody really taught you what to do in certain situations. You probably had an ok shot at some point and relied on that to get by. You can't do that these days. I'll help you if you want to learn but you have to listen and use your brain in game.

I call Garn a faggot all the time for blocking the port on dammy, but he's smart to do it. If he didn't niggas would get shit on, but he holds that whole position by himself allowing his teammates to get map back and bombard us with their never ending nade supply. Even if you can't shoot well you can find ways to win.

When havoc is on his laptop he's a great example of this. Lagging with shitty net and bad gfx, he could still find a way to play better than you despite those disadvantages.

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#8 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:27 am

thanks, i do want to get better. and you are correct, i never learned any kind of strategy during the time i've played halo (i started in 1.02), but i am trying to pay attention and get better at it now. at one time i was pretty good at this game, a lot better than average. it bothers me when people would repeatedly tell me i suck when i keep getting killed without saying anything productive that might help, they would just rage at me and talk shit. but lately i haven't really gotten much of that, i've been getting a lot of feedback now (especially from erosion during our scrims) so thanks for the help.

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#9 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:19 am

neeto, nade and AR less
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct
[01:08] [XK] | =JHF= Chewy: say that again.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#10 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:33 pm

As much sarcasm as chewy might have sounded there, he's actually really right.

For your training, you should play pubs/scrims without the use of nades and AR. Like a blind man adapts to environment by utilizing all his other senses to the fullest... your overall shot, and hopefully your brainpower will do the same in this case, making you a better player.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#11 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:43 pm

I remember when I was bad, but now I can say, in the words of Lash, "B carried me."
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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#12 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:27 pm

That chillout game just wasn't good for him.

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Re: Chewy v. Neeto

Post#13 » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:53 am

That game was just a bad dream.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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