Silent Reload/Pick up weapon/Spawn/Switch Weapons

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Post#16 » Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:49 pm

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Re: Silent Reload/Pick up weapon/Spawn/Switch Weapons

Post#17 » Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:16 am

[XK]Çhrøñiç wrote:When you spawn, reload, pick up a new weapon, or switch weapons, it often makes noise that an opponent can hear, giving them the advantage of knowing where you are.

Therefore it can be useful to melee (at just the right time) when you spawn, pick up a weapon, reload, or switch weapons, as it makes no sounds that can give away your location. :shock:

i use it sometimes but i dont care if other ppl use it i just hit shift :O
nick weekie of langer home alonez says:
i heard a song on a radio that reminded me of scene and i jizzed in my pants


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Post#18 » Tue May 01, 2007 4:04 pm

XKºDísçípl£ wrote:Mac sound is great right? Rob was telling me about this. I thought he bluewalled before (yet all Mac users are eh?) but I didn't realize how good his sound was. He fucking hears

He uses headphones. I can hear where you walk if i had headphones too but i won't be able to tell where people shoot from far away...

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Post#19 » Tue May 01, 2007 5:03 pm

I use headphones all depends on your sound card, integrated or not.


Post#20 » Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:42 pm

wow, never knew headphones gave such an advantage. all my in-game sound settings are set on low b/c my pc will lag if they are set higher. all i use is my shitty two-speaker-combo. if you throw a grenade near me, i can hear it, but i cant tell where it landed :shock:


Post#21 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:49 am

Very true.

Some of the greatest players use 50 dollar headsets and have the volume turned up all the way to hear everything around them, including footsteps.

Unfortunately for me, I keep my volume almost all the way down. Approximately 2-4 on the 1-10 and 10 being best in the audio options.


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=The General=
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Post#22 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:58 am

Sound is very important in the game. As zagan said, its helpful to know where a grenade landed... Also, for maps like hang em high, you can hear footsteps (in the tunnels or on the ramp) and be able to know exactly where someone is based on those footsteps, and thereby plan your next move. :twisted:

Basically all sounds give away location. My headset was $20 bucks at Wallmart. If I hear someone reload, pick up a weapon, melee a wall, etc, and they are somewhat closeby, I know exactly where they are.

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