The Next Game for XK

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Poll: The next game for XK

Bad Company 2
Modern Warfare 2
Total votes: 20

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#61 » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:39 pm

[XK]Light wrote:Also kitty plays it a lot and it would feel weird getting owned by him in a video game rofl

rofl indeed

We should all play this game

And PCR whoever gets the highest score. I'm sure we could make a solid clan base this way, and gain lots of new recruits.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#62 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:45 am

I never knew Kitty played....Kitty you faggot, add Orcasm to your buddy list then.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#63 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:17 pm

Lol, it really is fun as fuck really good for strat. Ill add you disk.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#64 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:03 pm

How about.. STARCRAFT 2!?


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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#65 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:10 pm

i didn't know that turned into an fps game. cool.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#66 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:37 pm

[XK]m1stake wrote:i didn't know that turned into an fps game. cool.

hahaha I didn't catch that actually.

We should all play that new facebook fps when it comes out.

Brave Arms.


Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#67 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:13 pm


So I've refrained from making a vote in the poll thus far, as my experience with both game is limited at best. I've played both at either EB or Best Buy at one of console stations and I don't think that's a fair assessment.

Now, in the COD franchise I've played both COD2 and COD4 a fair bit, though the gamestyles seemed to me, to be significantly different. COD2 was a team oriented game, something a little more suitable for clan based competitive play, while COD4 on the other hand appeared to be geared towards the individualistic methodology of gaming. As it stands, I believe MW2 is an extension upon the COD4 style, which is popular amongst the casual gamers, Machinima addicts, and other rampant causual gaming collectives amidst the internet. Admittedly though, it's very enjoyable when you can just wreak havoc on opposing teams.

Some Positive points towards MW2 are the lower specifications for computer hardware, the relatively easy basic technique learning curve, and the fundamentally large player base already well grounded into the game.

Some negatives include the 'hey we're already playing COD6, when's COD7 coming out!?', lack of dedicated server support, and just general lack of truly competitive team play, amongst other things.

Now, in the Battlefield franchise I've played BF2 and BF2142, BF2 is just a great game overall, and was (and still may be) highly competitive in team play. There was tremendous vehicle support, and fantastic gameplay for a high number of player-side teams. BF2142 was great as well, though I mainly played it just to take a gander at some of the full game mods designed by the awesome modding community behind that game.

BC2 appears to have done the new era of military FPS a bout of justice with greater implied realism through the use of stunning graphics and diversified, yet realist (to a degree of course) gameplay. Namely, the absolute requirement of utilizing your team during match-play, semi-destructible environments (is this true?), and a flexible class based style of play.

The negatives? Well, I wouldn't really know, as the only game I've played that seems similar to this one (albeit as a surface representation) would be America's Army, and I just didn't enjoy that at all. Thus, my opinion is slightly biased.

Regardless, I would lean toward BC2 being the better choice for the clan overall, though I do slightly detest the idea of moving from one of the most enjoyable and frustrating (though, thats why we play it) games of the decade, to another long standing franchise of military FPS's.

I am not a fan of class based games, strict military FPS etc. and have always proceeded to the stricter fundamentals of FPS gaming, ie. Quake 2/3/L and modestly, even HPC can be thrown in as well. I would try to make a case for QL (and still encourage you to try it), but I realize the tight-knit years old community there is light years ahead of any new player to join the fray. As well as being a primarily one vs one/dual oriented style of play at the very highest levels.

In the end, it's not my choice to make, as I don't know whether I can be the benefactor of competitive clan play in either MW2 or BC2. I await the arrival of the next 'big one', though I'll still do my best to join in on the fun of whichever game has been selected for the resuscitation of [XK]. Remember, majority rules.

Now, I will make note of the fact, that as these are, franchise games, with new installments coming along in the future, we may only play our choice for a relatively brief period of time, before bringing this discussion up again. I simply do not see either of these choices as having the seven year impact that HPC has had, though, would we want to?

HPC is where this clans' origins lie, and that will not change, we can play HPC whensoever we choose, while we branch out as much of a core group we can muster, to other playing fields. Regardless, of the choice we make, it allows us to become a little freer, and will make short-term transitions, and even the transition into the next 'big one' an easier affair. Though one would think it would be the next generation (that we pick up from other emerging communities) to lead the way, as we all grow a little older, a little more mature, and our responsibilities seem to ever-expand exponentially.

Edit: Elm told me this-

¡G° E!mn@+oR: the only thing that sucks with BC2 is they dont have LAN server support but they do have dedicated servers... but a couple downsides for admins catching hackers is that you can spectate and you can only kick and ban from the server console thru the servers website... you cant do it in rcon

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#68 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:59 pm

Downloading BC2, Cracked version.

Gonna see how it plays on my lil ole Pentium 4.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#69 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:06 am

[XK]Sky wrote:Edit: Elm told me this-
¡G° E!mn@+oR: the only thing that sucks with BC2 is they dont have LAN server support but they do have dedicated servers... but a couple downsides for admins catching hackers is that you can spectate and you can only kick and ban from the server console thru the servers website... you cant do it in rcon

This is why I love DICE (tho the LAN thing was kind of a bummer). From the EA blog:

A lot of people are asking about server administration. What's up there?

A little background
Since the Frostbite engine had not yet been used for any PC titles, there had been no need for advanced server administration tools. BFBC2 PC changed that however.
There was a sort of "server console" thing, but it was intended for developer use only. Something easier to use and more stable was necessary when we came closer to release it to the PC users.

So what are we doing?
We are creating a separate command console, which is stable, and where the commands will not change. This will be the Remote Administration interface for BFBC2 PC. BF2 console commands have been a good source of inspiration :) The Remote Administration interface is accessible over a network port on the game server.

While we ensure that there is a solid administration interface, we are not creating any fancy tools. Why not? Because the community will do a much better job! RSPs have already been using the interface for weeks, and several people are working on user friendly tools. We will continue to improve the protocol with functions that are necessary to make good tools.

Two of the top BFBC2 Rcon utilites:
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Command Center
BFBC2Admin daemon


So I have BC2 just really haven't had a chance to play it. Started looking into tweaking the game and came across a post about Vista/Win7 ping/fps spikes. If you have either OS I highly suggest checking this post out --->

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#70 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:03 pm

I have been playing BC2 since Friday and have not had any issues regarding any of those in the campaign stuff. I havn't tried multiplayer yet, but i doubt i'll have any issues. I'll post more after i try multi.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#71 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:01 pm

BFBC2 is $20 for the rest of the day. I'm getting it. ... t-of-today
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#72 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:53 pm

Holy shit I love you mistake. Downloading now.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#73 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:10 pm

According to what i've researched about BC2, single player shouldn't be too much of an issue, even for a Pentium 4 user.

Multiplayer is the one i've heard complaints of fps dropping down to ridiculous levels even on modern midrange graphic cards. I think you all need to try that out.

I was thinking about buying a 94 dollar HD 5670 to replace my HD 2600 Pro... but idk if it's even worth it with my 3.4ghz Pentium 4(not really thinking about upgrading this either). And idk if it will even help much with the graphics this game demands.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#74 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:02 pm

BC2 is also CPU demanding due to the advanced sounds and destructible environments. Its optimized to run on a dual core.

If you have the game I suggest adding +fullproc to your target (just like you would do with -console in halo) which will force BC2 to run on all cores.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#75 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:39 pm

[XK]m1stake wrote:BFBC2 is $20 for the rest of the day. I'm getting it. ... t-of-today

wow thanks much babe. Its definitely worth it for 20 bucks. I suggest everyone stop thinking and get it now. Lash get a new cpu goddamn

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