The Next Game for XK

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Poll: The next game for XK

Bad Company 2
Modern Warfare 2
Total votes: 20

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#31 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:52 am

Ok I've played all 4 of those games at least a couple times, some a lot more (MW and MW2).

CS:S- Its a good game which will be populated for a very long time but the community is douchebag and nerd central. Also, since the game is so old and has been actively played for so long now, there are too many skilled clans for us to start out fresh and actually enjoy/dominate the game.

Cod 4 MW-
Very fun and for the most part balanced game. Nade and noob tube spam ruins it somewhat but that can be fixed with promods. Unfortunately regardless of what xfire stats says, the game is grinding to a slow death and the last thing we need is to move to another dying/dead game.

Cod 6 MW2-
Been playing this a shit load. Ok because of IWNET and the lack of dedicated servers, this is really a love/hate thing. I mean if you get a good host, no hackers, none of the bullshit, annoying, overpowerd classes (danger close/OMA noob tubers, Commando knifers, akimbo g18 spam kids) and teams that play for objectives, it is a VERY VERY VERY fun game. I mean it is fun as hell. Unfortunately, this rarely ever happens due to the IWNET bullshit. Also Playing in a party with other clan members makes this a LOT worse because it takes forever just to find any game at all, much less a game meeting the previously mentioned criteria. The game will never amount to anything competitively as long as Activision refuses to put in dedicated servers, which they wont. Another thing is that there will be DLC coming soon and all sources point it to be being paid (15 dollars but not confirmed). The game costs 60 dollars which is restrictive enough but 75 dollars for this REALLY???? Also, weapon balance is out of wack. Assault rifles are overpowered, sub machine guns and LMGS are good and sniper rifles are underpowered.

I preordered this and tried it out before canceling my order. It didn't seem anywhere as much fun as the gameplay videos made it seem but I suspect this was because I was playing with randoms. I hear teamwork is really important in this game. Also the weapons sounded like garbage and couldn't cause damage worth shit but I hear you get better weapons later. Another thing is that the game was poorly optimized for performance in the demo. I don't know if its been fixed now, but it needs to be.

Anyway tl;dr, I vote for BC2 because it is the newest and least annoying of the 4 games though I enjoyed it the least. I will buy it if the clan comes to the decision but I wouldn't mind if any of the other 3 were chosen either.

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=The General=
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#32 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:10 pm

Damn, I'll have to upgrade my PC, I only have a single core. It's about time anyways, but was hoping to hold off for a bit...

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#33 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:53 pm

Pentium 4 can still run BC2 despite what the minimum requirements say. It'll just be slower.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#34 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:01 pm

The BC2 demo ran like absolute shit on my 2.7 dual core 9800 GTX. I mean its not exactly a beast of a pc but goddamn the game felt sluggish as hell even on the lowest settings.

Not sure if it has been fixed on retail though.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#35 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:54 pm

[XK]Light wrote:The BC2 demo ran like absolute shit on my 2.7 dual core 9800 GTX. I mean its not exactly a beast of a pc but goddamn the game felt sluggish as hell even on the lowest settings.

Not sure if it has been fixed on retail though.

The demo ran in dx10 by default. If you didn't manually set dx9 in the config you ran into problems. Yes, even if your comp couldn't support dx10, you had to set it to dx9 for better performance (but not much). You really had to tweak your settings to get better performance.

With that said, I think "XYZ game ran like crap on my comp" is a non-issue due to 99.9999% of the time it is the user's fault and not the game. "But my comp runs a 9 y/o game @ 100fps with everything on high. Why can't I do the same with this brand new game??"

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#36 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:08 pm

WoW..lololololol :cheer:

=The General=
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#37 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:42 pm

{xk}wookie wrote:WoW..lololololol :cheer:

zug zug

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#38 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:41 pm

[XK]Light wrote:The BC2 demo ran like absolute shit on my 2.7 dual core 9800 GTX. I mean its not exactly a beast of a pc but goddamn the game felt sluggish as hell even on the lowest settings.

Not sure if it has been fixed on retail though.

My brother has similar specs and the game runs fine.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#39 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:38 pm

Maybe now I got a fucking chance to join this clan.
yo its P, I’m the new leader of all you xk shit-ees
Making you all sad when B bans me, because I’m the man you see
Even bigger then b all you dicks are just miniature pussies
Compared to me, I’m the fucking Jesus Christ of Halo PC.
Even Erosion gets sat, cause he’s wiggery wiggery wack
I’m so black I got a knapsack full of gats
Scoped at your brains cause you xks wish you had my aim
You just hang around your forum that’s hella gay
So take a seat cause anyone stepping to P gets defeat


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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#40 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:48 pm

Pooscooper wrote:Maybe now I got a fucking chance to join this clan.

Of course
In 2013.

{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#41 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:10 am

[XK]Disciple wrote:
[XK]Light wrote:The BC2 demo ran like absolute shit on my 2.7 dual core 9800 GTX. I mean its not exactly a beast of a pc but goddamn the game felt sluggish as hell even on the lowest settings.

Not sure if it has been fixed on retail though.

My brother has similar specs and the game runs fine.

Yea it was prolly due to what garn said about not switching to directx9 mode. And maybe other settings. The only thing I tried changing were the texture details.

Anyway, I'm up for this game if we get a couple people ready to buy it

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#42 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:22 am

Maybe we should wait for a game that is coming out? BC2 looks pretty fun, but there may be better games to get. If we plan ahead, we can all hit the ground running on launch day. I will look around some websites to find upcoming FPS games that look good.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#43 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:26 am

Brink? That was the only thing I saw that looked fun. I am really excited for Reach though, it looks like they restore some of the important halo 1 features.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#44 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:06 am

[XK]m1stake wrote:Maybe we should wait for a game that is coming out? BC2 looks pretty fun, but there may be better games to get. If we plan ahead, we can all hit the ground running on launch day. I will look around some websites to find upcoming FPS games that look good.

The next batch of decent FPS games won't be launched until Q3-Q4 2010 (That Brink game is Q4). Meaning that we will still be stuck on Halo over the summer instead of recruiting new ppl during a time when gamers have more time to play.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#45 » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:32 am

I just got BC2 i do not like it at all, MW2 is way better.

GFX suck to.


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