The Next Game for XK

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Poll: The next game for XK

Bad Company 2
Modern Warfare 2
Total votes: 20

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#16 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:54 am

having watched a few vids of bc2 on youtube im defo up for giving it a shot, looks really good fun!

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#17 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:49 pm

Here is a good vid showing the features of BC2 taken from the demo:

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#18 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:20 pm

ok so as it stands, bc2 doesnt run that well on my beast of a machine, but im building a desktop within the next couple of months, i can run mw2 decently enough to play. and i would rape all of you in cod4.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct
[01:08] [XK] | =JHF= Chewy: say that again.
[01:08] [XK]Erøsion: you are correct

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#19 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:37 pm



We might as well play bg no shield snipers instead of any other fps game without regenerative shields. Playing bat caves without one for a good ratio is gonna be tuff mOn.

But since this game has roles, meaning medics that can revive you ...ratioman should be A ok.

Those specs look really really difficult. I dunno if I can play any fps without my nice constant Vsynced 75 fps. Havoc sure as hell won't be joining us with his current comp.

So BC2 it is? We need to hurry so nubs don't turn pros before us overnight.
Game kinda reminds me of the game I played for a while way back called Wolfenstein enemy territory with the roles and stuff.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#20 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:07 pm

I created a poll between bc2 and mw2.

As far as BC2 goes, the cheapest I have found it is @ the EAstore for $39.99 w/ free shipping

BC2 minimum system requirements
• Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
• Memory: 2GB
• Graphics card: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
• Graphics memory: 256MB
• OS: Windows XP
• Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version

MW2 minimum system requirements
• Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+
• Memory: 1 GB RAM
• Graphics: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT or ATI Radeon 1600XT
• OS: Windows XP
• Hard Drive: 12GB of free hard drive space

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#21 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:51 pm

Reading some of the benchmarks with my little old 3.4ghz Pentium 4 and ati HD 2600 pro I probably won't enjoy BC2 AT ALL with my type of computer.
Just look at those minimum specs, they speak for themselves.

I'm not planning on getting another computer or updating anything either.

MW2 as in modern warfare 2? That might work. Slightly it came out nov 09. Is it a good anyway?
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#22 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:28 pm

I think so, I played it for 30 minutes and I like it better than COD4 (which is hard since COD4 is great). Those specs are pretty steep too...BC2 might not work if we all want to move into it at the same new computer will be able to handle it but I got other bills and shit to take care of first, if indeed time is of the essence

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#23 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:58 pm

my system will make mince of either game soon as i get my gfx card back plugged in which should be like a week away when it turns back up :)

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#24 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:03 pm

Since I have MW2 for the Xbox lets get BC2

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#25 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:31 pm

my comp will blow up if i try to play these, but i hear that hackzak is making a comeback

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#26 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:38 pm

I did not really like BC1. That being said, BC2 looks fantastic. It looks like the best parts of MW2 and BF1942, which if you are not familiar with one (Or both, loser), means that it looks pretty damn good. I would not buy it for PC though, unfortunately. In general I do not play games a whole lot right now, I haven't turned on the PS3 for nine or ten days, and when I do it's usually for a movie. I'm getting it for PS3 first, but if I like it enough I will get it for PC and play with you guys.

Thanks Garn for the idea, though it is neither the first time it has been thought up nor the first time we have tried to implement something like it. With any luck, this attempt will go better than the last.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#27 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:42 pm

It is expected that there will be a number of XKs that will not be able to make the change over to a new game. Thus leaving us with the dilemma of choosing between a brand new game or a slightly older game based upon the number of XKs with systems that can handle it. What it comes down to is a risk assessment. The question is, does the risk of having fewer XKs being able to play the newer game out weight the benefits that may come by choosing a newer game?

I think that it does. As much as I hate to think of this decision in this way, we really are choosing an avenue that will provide XK with the chance at the most new members. The primary objective is to inject new life into XK via new members while all others, such as enjoyment that we may get and how many XKs we can have in-game on day one, are secondary.

In following the above rational, I believe that BC2 is the best option. Even with fewer XKs in game, the fact that BC2 has dedicated servers provides a huge advantage for us over MW2. Dedis allow us, as individuals, to play in a server with the same people over and over again. Someone sees you enough in a server and they befriend you. Thus a potential prospect has been gained (similar to a process we use in Halo). You simply cannot do this in MW2 where teams change constantly. Unless you befriend someone in that one game, your chances of seeing them again drastically decrease with each passing moment.

What game will provide XK with the highest probability of bringing in more members and thus extending it's life? That is the primary issue we should be discussing here.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#28 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:03 am

NEW game!?? Some of us can't even play the CURRENT game!! I can't even run that vid that was posted by Garn.
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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#29 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:10 am

[XK] J·Roc wrote:NEW game!?? Some of us can't even play the CURRENT game!! I can't even run that vid that was posted by Garn.

:mrgreen: i havent seen you play for ages 8)

yeah well surely we'll still be playing halo along with what ever new game we go on to?! i doubt im going to ditch playing halo any time soon.

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Re: The Next Game for XK

Post#30 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:47 am

[XK]Garniso wrote:What game will provide XK with the highest probability of bringing in more members and thus extending it's life?



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