Halo: Portable Edition

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Post#31 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:38 pm

on XP

and it comes up when i double click it or try to open it.
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Post#32 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:47 pm

you should get latest copy, i bypassed that problem after version 0.3....

which file did you try to open?
please send me exact filesize (bytes), name, description/version (hover mouse over icon and u can see the details)...

i have a feeling you may have an old version or a different type of installation


edit: atm, i just realized, comparatively HaloMP is the latest version in the set (please try to install that first)... HaloCP and CE are like older versions of MP (script-wise not content-wise)

i will update them tonight...

for those who want just the dedicated server set, i'm building a working DEDICATED SERVER installer, for 1.04 AND 1.07 dedis (they'll come together)
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#33 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:52 pm

Few tips:
1) If all else fails, install HPE on a Flash drive at home, take it to school/work and run straight off the flash drive

2) Make sure you have access to "My Documents" and "My Games" folders on your computer/account. If you do not, then Halo cannot run (its built-into the software)

3) HPE is not compatible with Vista, you have to do Tip1 to get it work on Vista.

4) Use the mirror links for faster downloads, I get alot of traffic to the site (shared network) so the Main download link will be slow

5) This is supposed to be a portable version of Halo, as in you can play it anywhere you want without having to install it;
research U3 software or NO-INSTALL or Portable Software... HPE is Halo-portablE (FINALLY i found a good name for this)
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#34 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:39 pm

don't you mean halo: portable edition :P

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Post#35 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:45 pm

[XK]`K!`TT´¥´ wrote:don't you mean halo: portable edition :P

oh snap, nice call; thats the new name now... :D
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#36 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:53 pm

Editted content, please check first post
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Post#37 » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:58 pm

Wow...just wow...

Great work! Thanks!

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Re: Halo: Portable Edition

Post#38 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:08 pm

haha gonna try this on my lappy

hope it works

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Re: Halo: Portable Edition

Post#39 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:11 pm


this is very outdated post, program shouldnt even work anymore
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Re: Halo: Portable Edition

Post#40 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:14 pm



oh well it wouldn't have been been running 15-25 fps haha

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Re: Halo: Portable Edition

Post#41 » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:46 pm

could you reupload?
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