Sidewinder Strats

Learn how to win
-Forum Whore-
Posts: 2128

Re: Sidewinder Strats

Post#16 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:49 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:your images got lashitized.

>.> get a soul
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

Posts: 57

Re: Sidewinder Strats

Post#17 » Thu May 14, 2009 5:02 pm

So wheres the strat?

=The General=
Posts: 4358

Re: Sidewinder Strats

Post#18 » Thu May 14, 2009 6:28 pm

who are u
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: Sidewinder Strats

Post#19 » Thu May 14, 2009 9:08 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:who are u

I'm rusty who are u

-Forum Whore-
Posts: 2128

Re: Sidewinder Strats

Post#20 » Fri May 15, 2009 4:58 pm

[XK]Erøsion wrote:
[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:who are u

I'm rusty who are u

nobody asked you
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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