[XK]BRENTos wrote:http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=239 haloball anyone? this is so oldschool! anyone play this? seriously it's fun
[XK] Ranger® wrote:iyou'd be screaming bot bot bot until all the pussy juice ran dry in your mommy's vagina.
[XK]`Tømé» wrote:Ah Haloball, Hugeass and Coldsnap were THE three best maps on HCE. Here's my oldoldoldoldold ss of coldsnap
[XK] Ranger® wrote:iyou'd be screaming bot bot bot until all the pussy juice ran dry in your mommy's vagina.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:[XK]`Tømé» wrote:Ah Haloball, Hugeass and Coldsnap were THE three best maps on HCE. Here's my oldoldoldoldold ss of coldsnap
I'm quoting this to emphasis how much of a nub u are.
{xk}omega wrote:
I also remember one of the very first maps released, it was large and you needed a lot of tactic to get the flag. With a tank in the middle. Damn that was a good map. Anyone still know the name??
The lead is different in haloCE though. But I don't know the exact details.
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