[XK] 04 Servers

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Post#16 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:55 pm

{xk}Omega wrote:ughhhh exactly why I need to change my fucking name.

I was thinking myself to change my name too! Maybe too goemitar since people know that name these days too :).
My research indicates you are a noob, with a confidence interval of 9001%, and a p-value of -0xdeadn00b.

[21:42] [XK] Ømêgå: the noobs talk french
[21:42] Mr [ZaP]Pooscooper: word
[21:42] Mr [ZaP]Pooscooper: french should be an illegal language

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Post#17 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:12 pm


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Post#18 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:12 am

omega wrote:
{xk}Omega wrote:ughhhh exactly why I need to change my fucking name.

I was thinking myself to change my name too! Maybe too goemitar since people know that name these days too :).

...that name's almost as bad as mine.
[XK] Ranger® wrote:iyou'd be screaming bot bot bot until all the pussy juice ran dry in your mommy's vagina.

[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: wait lemme be damo
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: im right your wron
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: wrong*
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: stfu
[XK]eh?: fuck u limey
[šký]3sK`: do u want me to bend u over and rape u prison style?
[XK]!B•: So you admit you're a faggot eh?

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Post#19 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:21 am

{xk}Omega wrote:ughhhh exactly why I need to change my fucking name.

you should be kinda happy that u chose a similar name to the greatest halo-hacker (the "real" definition)... ;)
The 5 Elements
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疑団 - Souless

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Post#20 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:51 am

omega wrote:Halo 1.04 will soon get a "home made" patch against haloloop2. And to the maker of this script: you should give credit to your sources. Luigi made the main programs. He releases everything under GPL licence, and you voilated it .. Nice batch script though.

On topic: What "version" of the 1.04 halo server are you guys using? The just standard one or with modifications so there's no CD key checking :)?

1.04 never required a CD.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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Post#21 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:58 am

{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#22 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:33 pm


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Post#23 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:01 pm


Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
Pøoscooper▓▒: that is why i act like a retard online
Pøoscooper▓▒: to protect my identity

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Post#24 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:41 pm

1.04 is basically the "free" version of Halo, all those lil checks have been patched by hackers (the REAL definition) so that noobs like us can play halo without paying

It's just as easy to do the same for any version of Halo, just a few memory access point tweaking in the source-code; same goes with the aimbot and any other halo-hack program

however, since 1.07 is the mainstream version, used in many of the dedicated servers around the world, cracking the system now would mean legal issues (with gearbox OR the server hosters)
The 5 Elements


Space Earth Fire Water Light


疑団 - Souless

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