[M2K] Terra BOTTING!

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[M2K] Terra BOTTING!

Post#1 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:51 am

Scrimmed [M2K] and got botted on.

http://files.filefront.com/Terrawmv/;10 ... einfo.html

[M2K] Terra's xfire: uberbojack

^tried out for [XK] and got denied
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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=The General=
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Post#2 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:32 am

what a phucking idiot

it pisses me off because I used to play against him in scrims alot.

And still outclass him :)
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

Posts: 1621

Post#3 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:03 am

nick weekie of langer home alonez says:
i heard a song on a radio that reminded me of scene and i jizzed in my pants


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Post#4 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:53 pm

He botted against me before he applied, didn't want to say anything cuz i didn't have any proof.
[XK] Ranger® wrote:iyou'd be screaming bot bot bot until all the pussy juice ran dry in your mommy's vagina.

[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: wait lemme be damo
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: im right your wron
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: wrong*
[XK]Eñ§!åvé K!tt¥ pu`ré: stfu
[XK]eh?: fuck u limey
[šký]3sK`: do u want me to bend u over and rape u prison style?
[XK]!B•: So you admit you're a faggot eh?

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=The General=
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Post#5 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:00 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:what a phucking idiot

it pisses me off because I used to play against him in scrims alot.

And still outclass him :)

http://files.filefront.com/uberbojacksc ... einfo.html

That uber guy is fuckin waste of a cd-key
I can't believe he had the BALLZ to baWT against ME AGAIN. He didn't even use temps clickbot v2 he used to old fashion piece of shit. I SEE THAT AS DISRESPECT, so I am all over this mothafucka.

So i told chalupa/ m2k ninja:

[21:05] [XK]american ganster: hey u
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: hey yooo
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: dont let a botter take u place next time
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: lol
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: LOL
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: whos raidon
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: tell me plz
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: uberbojack
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we give him one more chance
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: wow
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he botted..
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we made him delete everything
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yeah
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i recorded
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i botted in kw
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: too
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: the wohle fucking time
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: people bot
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i sj'ed him
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he just has to learnt o break addiction
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we had him delete his bots
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he's an idiot
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: and nobody is sending him anytyhing
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he still has it
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: no he doesnt
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: dude
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did you sightjack him again?
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: are u retarded?... no offense
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i just said
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: if hes caught again hes gone for good
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he botted
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: ya he did
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: in that last match
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: not be4
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: i know he did be4
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: just now
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: after u left that match
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: he took ur spot
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: he was getting sketchy shots
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: i sjed him
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he recordd it
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: recorded
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: and he botted
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: would u like me to upload?
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: im not dumb
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: i know exactly how a bot looks like
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: he didnt even use a clicky
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i saw
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: he used the old version
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: shiftbot
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: the one koolaid uses
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: so u believe me or must i upload?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he did
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i saw the video
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: or must i smash m2k's name
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: um
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: what video?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we give a botter
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: another chance
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: bad thing?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did hpt keep koolaid banned for good?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: they gave him a chance
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: ninja
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: bojack is a retard
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he wont stop
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he botted dozens of times vs me in the past
[21:09] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yea he will
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he even botted vs xk
[21:09] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i believe him cuz i stopped
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: well
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: bud
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he just botted vs me
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: 3 min ago
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: that is sure a change aye?
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: m2k's name sure has lost it's pride
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: im sure he didnt
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he recorded those matches
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: all of em
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: i just told u
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: wow
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: ninja
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: he botted
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: i recorded
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: would u like me to upload?
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: he's a retarded
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: quit holding his dick
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: really
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: wowz
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: he bots
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: he will never change
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did you record last game?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: hes like temp
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOW
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: WAIT
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: UR SAYING
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: UR RETARDED
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: GJ
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: LOL
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: you sightjacked and recorded him last game?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOWOW
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: upload it
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: was i not clear?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: lmao
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i wanna c it
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: i asked if u wanted to see it too...
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: if its true hes gone for good
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: ill upload
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: : P
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: give me a sec
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: yea
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: thats what i wanna here
[21:12] [XK]american ganster: not some next chance bs
[21:12] [XK]american ganster: i knew we were on diff pages
[21:12] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: k give me a bit
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: how long wil lit take?
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: my comp sucks
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: like
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: this is shitty
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: 20 mins
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i have a match
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: see u in 20

http://files.filefront.com/uberbojacksc ... einfo.html

If this chalupa clown guy doesn't get rid of this idiot I am going to single handed smash m2k's remaining rep. I'll post the convo afterwords.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#6 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:24 pm

Well thats M2k for u.

Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
Pøoscooper▓▒: that is why i act like a retard online
Pøoscooper▓▒: to protect my identity

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=The General=
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Post#7 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

[22:49] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: vid please?
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: BOUT TIME
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: http://files.filefront.com/uberbojacksc ... einfo.html
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: so what do plan on doing now chappyhead
[22:54] [XK]american ganster: i told u bojack is always going to be a dire kid
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: just like tmp
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: so hes gone
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: banned from vent
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: but first im fuckin with him
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: to see him deny it
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: right before me
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: lol
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: can
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: i
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: come
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: sure
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: under a diff name
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: u have info?
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: give
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: w8
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: i hav
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: m2k vent right?
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: lax01.hurricanehost.com 4606
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yeah
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: im not gonna say anything cuz i already bashed him
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: and he will think something is up
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: come on in

To make a long story short we gave uberbojack link to his own video and he CLEARLY denied himself botting.

Chalupa: "you didn't see anything weird in that video?"
uberbojack: "no"
Chalupa: "what about the time when you follow the guy through the wall"
Chalupa: "it's called an aimbot..."
Chalupa: "So you aimbotted right?"
uberbojack: "yeah"

banned from vent

Chalupa got pissed at his nonchalance and
banned him from the m2k clan as well as the m2k vent.

And this concludes my pointless rant

{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#8 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:45 am

good job, seems like some [M2K] are idiots, that x-fire conversation is like wow.
ScreaM: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6071&p=64340#p64340
[XK]Naz: the fuck are you
ScreaM: remember
ScreaM: scream
ScreaM: lol tried for xk?
[XK]Naz: oh god not you
ScreaM: im not souless

{xk} «ÑéêtØ»: if it aint white it aint right
[XK]Erøsion wrote:
look at this nigga hating. just because you cant rock a fedora lmao i own like 5.

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Post#9 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:40 am

Wow LMAO Ninja sure is a slow person.

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Post#10 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:43 am

http://z9.invisionfree.com/HPT_Forums/i ... topic=2396

ninja being accused of botting

Seeing this thread again and reading how he feels about botting... I don't see why he wouldn't use one >_>
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#11 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:30 pm

you will never make the 6 o' clock news

because this is not news :'(
Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

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Post#12 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:48 pm

not only a botter but he also pretends to be someone who he isn't. When he toke a break from halo for 3-4 months and came back, he was like i was busy playing gears of war for MLG. He said he was in tv and shit and i proved him wrong. H e applied for (AoG) and said he was rok-angel. botted in 1v1s and i have a video where i 1v1ed him and i went 25-5 on him. no one likes him. :(

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[XK] J·Roc
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Post#13 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:44 pm

vish wrote:no one likes him. :(

Shit you two have something in common then.
"I would rather die doing what I love, than not doing anything at all"
-Evel Knievel


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Post#14 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:35 pm

mind the drunk guy
Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

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