Post#9 » Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:04 pm
I made a "reformat list" for myself. Here's mine, adapt it as needed. I use vanilla Vista settings for the most part.
1. Install OS
2. Download and install updates
3. Install anti virus (nod32 duh)
4. Download and install FireFox
5. Download and install board drivers
6. Download and install graphics drivers
7. Adjust board and video settings
8. Download and install mouse drivers, firmware, and software
9. Download and install AIM, MSN, and Xfire
10. Install Halo, download patch, install patch
11. DisableAlphaRenderTargets in halo config
12. Adjust halo settings
13. Install other games, download game updates
14. Install Office 2007
15. Repeat every 2 weeks to keep vista from growing a saggy penis with boils

Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.