Welcome to the [XK] video archive. Here you can find every video made by a member of the [XK] clan. This topic will be edited to include videos made in the future. In addition, this section is also meant as a place to post videos in general. We'd like to keep this topic pretty clean though, so PM me with your videos or video links and I'll add it to the page.
"2 Days Of Boredom"
"Nice Shot"
"Vol. 1"
"Mad Nubery 04"
"Dam0! vs. XooX"
"Last Montage"
"Halo Sex: The Hunt"
"Sex Pistol"
[XK] J·Roc
"Final Mix"
"The Remix"
"[XK] Stunts 101"
"BFM Audio Prank"
"CJ the DJ forum trouble"
"Halo PC Good Times Pro"
"Whine vs. New001/undercover"
"Whine Vs Anivrom"
"[XK] Whine"
"[XK] vs. [WoR]"
"[XK] vs. [XK]"
"Sc3n3 #1"
"Sc3n3 #2"
"Temps Bot-Tage"
[XK]B•Là Ã