Former DAT souless denies cheating

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ÐèsCént Zagan
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Post#16 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:07 pm

alot of nubs have profile hack
04 scrub

Posts: 282

Post#17 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:43 pm

Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: are u assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: oO
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: <_<
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: no
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: stop lying to me
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: im noot assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: ir papi
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: hv i heard of u
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: um
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: wat u heard?
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: ir papi
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: thats u
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: ?
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: yea
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: im IR pap
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: dat assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: why do u say hes innocent
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: of botting
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: cuz the evidence doesnt add up
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: welll i got a couple of questions to ask u
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: mm ok?
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: 1. in a scrim tdc and dat playin on tdc server 1.07 it was assasin and Scar v.s me and illest
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: his own team member
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: scar
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: told me that he got 12 legit kills
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and the rest were him botting
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: the score was 45-11
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: scar had 4 kills
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then then
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: how come ALL THE DAT members LEFT
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: nowing Rambo was there player
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and now CHAnign it to sayin it was him
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: 3. why would they let someone who bots in who isnt assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: WHY would DATS OWN player say assasin has multiple persoanlities
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and i would persoanlly now
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: noe
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: dat leet dat rambo and dat assasin are the same
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: ok i got alteast 3 personalities
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: but of em are known
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: please if u can explain and prove my questions
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: the other is on the low
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then i will help u
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: k thats k
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: thats pubbing eveyone has that
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: thats cool
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: but they are sayin rambo isnt assasin when he is
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: when i been told by dat own members
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: well u seen both pix of his destop right?
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: right
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: k
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: 1.
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: he doesnt have teamspeak
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: 2.
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: LIES
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: LIES
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: wait a sec
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: TO TALK TO ME 3 times
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: ight 2
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: most wanted with interagted graphix?
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: i got intergrated graphix i cant run that shit
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: i can
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: i got that ability
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: depends wat video card u hv
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: on the mother board
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: built on
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: i got raedon built on
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: we got the same and it sucks
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: 3.
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: any1 can make a tag DAT rambo and photoshop anypix
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: BUT hold up
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: k
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: it wasnt photo shoped
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: it was a video
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: that doesnt answer my 3 questions
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: obviously they would noe who rambo is atleast 1 of them
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: they kno who rambo is
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: k
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: they wud have thought it was assasin not a poser
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: but the thing that makes me dis belive all this is that
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: there own member
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: told me
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: who was in a scirm with me
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: at that time
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: ur not answering my questions ethier
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: all ur answers void my questions
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: im makin my points thwen ill answer
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: how can u say hes innocent
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: gimme a sec
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: k
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: 3
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: they Accused Assasin of aimbotting even on 1.04
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: which u cant do
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: cuz of the cracked exe
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: 4
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: assasin wasnt on xfire
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: that day
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: <_<
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: assasin never is on xfire
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: when he plays
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: i would noe
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: i wud 2
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: cuz he alwayz tells me when DAT got a CW
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: buh still explain the fact
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: the person who was scriming with DAT assasin AGiasnt US
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: that HE HAD A BOT ON
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: AND HE WAs using it
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: WIth Dat assasin name
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and it was assasin cause i asked him for that scrim
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: Um
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and he was on the team speak
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: lets say he did tell u
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he did
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: its not like he was tryna hide it
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: i hv convo
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: he sed it
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: so it wasnt serious
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: but that vid wasnt assasin
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: <_<
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: k but it wasnt
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: k
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: lets say it wasnt
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: still puts DAT clan as Botting
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: doesnt it
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then dat clan says they dont noe them?
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then clan member sayin it was assasin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: um
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: im not here 2 defend DAT
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: im here 2 defend
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: assasin
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: and it wasnt him
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and i ur honour hv effective questions which still arent answerd by the defence consuncil
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: the proof that lies under the pics
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: is still not exposed
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: or not talked about by the 1's who say
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he didnt bot
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: i say it was a set up
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: why would an XK member set up someone
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: WHEre is assaisn
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: by the way
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: after thsi where he go too
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: idk i havnt heard from him
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: no1 has
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: 1 - Assasin Does Not Know How To Record Videos.... So Why Would There Be A File Of A Video There...
2 - Assasin Does Not Know How To Edit Videos......Why Would There Be A Windows Movie Maker File There
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he can edit videos
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he made a montage
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: 1 he does no how to record cause he made it
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: show me there montage
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: the*
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: i wanna see sumtin
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: sure
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: but man please prove to me these points u noe my points are
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: vaild
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: and strong
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: whose gunna get accused next me 0_0 thats y im scared 2 play 1.07 i played 1 game raped the server 100 to 25 and they sed i aimboted
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: thats nuts
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: u get like 5 -8 hs they like BOT!!
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: Hold on WAIT A min so IF ASSASIN CANT Tape
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: this is stolen
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: gotta be stolen
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: but hold On
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: HOLD ON
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: aint his grphix
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: FPSGangsta
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: UMMM
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: oO
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: why would he put DT ASSASIn name
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then do everything
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: assasin therefor is a cheat
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: I rest my case
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: b4 u suport a cheater
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: check the info
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: nice arugements htough
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: the only way ill believe he aimboted for a CW is if 1) he tells me flat out he did or rambos IP and Assassins IP is tha same
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: sry tah say
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: cuz one of the few players i respected on 1.04 who i wud say cud hang with me bottin?
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: idk hard 2swallow
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: well i found it a shock also
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: assasin was my friend...
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: really was
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: me and him made so many fake clans
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: did so many 1v1
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: talked on team speak
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: U name it we did
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: for him to do this is
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: horrible
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: is crazy
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: i doubt it
®{IR}PAP® /«[£¢]»pap: <_<
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: my arugements u saw
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: if that aint good enuff to make u belibe all this
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: then god noes wat
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: hes never gonna tell u
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he bots
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: or hes rambo
Xn`ThE~GamE!|ॐ|: he will obvisoully deny

MORE proof... this person COULD NOT prove my points...

this site says he cant host he cant do whatever he cant video tape but clearly he can VIDEO tape a Montage as posted there... BUT THEN IT WAS stolen? Dt assasin doesnt hv team speak? wat bullshit.. he came on to tdc team speak 3-4 times... EXPLAIN THAT DAT AND 1.04

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Post#18 » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:42 pm

@ killa

i got bored of reading ur post halfway through, but I know 110% that all the ''DT monatages'' are all stolen
every single one I have seen the original for it, and can see how they made slight alterations
theres one
watch the intro multiple times, oh whats that??
they covered up someone else's name with their shitty one
LOL, robbed a trailer off h2f and said its theirs. hahahaaha
that one was tictac's final, which is also stolen, LOL
heres the REAL video

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Post#19 » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:30 pm

^ Just wow that is mad nubery.
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Post#20 » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:09 pm

they stole tictacs montage?? not cool at all, tictac is one of the best trial players

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Post#21 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:14 am

What's even more hilarious is that no one's still asking for my vids of that match. If you want definite proof, at least get what you want from who you accused, not from your lame ass deaths :roll:

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Post#22 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:27 pm

Reminds me of the time Classic showed me that montage of them stealing tictacs montage. Even funnier, he stolled evillilelmos montage! ROFL

People these days...
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Post#23 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:02 pm

..Which is why you watermark your vids whenever possible :D

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Post#24 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:17 pm

XKºDísçípl£ wrote:..Which is why you watermark your vids whenever possible :D

its still possible to cover over a name in bottom corner

get a few skins on your weapons :D
thres no-way someone could steal a clip of mine, saying its theirs, as both my AR and pistol have XK agour on them...

Posts: 621

Post#25 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:58 pm

[XK]`Agóur wrote:get a few skins on your weapons :D
thres no-way someone could steal a clip of mine, saying its theirs, as both my AR and pistol have XK agour on them...


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Post#26 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:52 pm

[XK]`Agóur wrote:its still possible to cover over a name in bottom corner

You can but...wouldn't it be blatantly obvious?

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Post#27 » Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:58 am

XKºDísçípl£ wrote:
[XK]`Agóur wrote:its still possible to cover over a name in bottom corner

You can but...wouldn't it be blatantly obvious?

not completely, depends how big the original name was

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Post#28 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:22 pm

I ended their Halo career.

Thread Closed.
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