Former DAT souless denies cheating

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Former DAT souless denies cheating

Post#1 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:46 pm

[XK]`B!: shifting less these days?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): naw a bitbusy
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): with life
[XK]`B!: Good, clearly halo became too much for you to grasp. Life is good, you should do more of that then play halo.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i've been
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): too bad ur BS is overwhelming
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i shouldnt fight it
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): since its just BS
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u have no proof assasin botted
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u have no proof I botted
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): its all bullshit
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): he took ONE headshot
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and u say its a bot
[XK]`B!: lol?
[XK]`B!: You're bad at halo and if you deny its like denying the holocaust.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u still didnt fight us
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): in 04
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): so u dont know my skills watsoever
[XK]`B!: I've played you and you're horrible.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u never playedme
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): we never 1v1'ed
[XK]`B!: In 04
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): or even scrimmed
[XK]`B!: When I was in DT
[XK]`B!: lol
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u were never in DT
[XK]`B!: I was
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): name>
[XK]`B!: Judo
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): lies
[XK]`B!: Shall I log into my xfire?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i never was in DT/DAT, when a "judo" existed
[XK]`B!: I beat assassin 1v1
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): sure u did
[XK]`B!: well as judo anyway
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u prolly played in 07
[XK]`B!: nope
[XK]`B!: in 04
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when the first bot got released
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and assasin didntknow shit
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): back in the day
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): we never had a Judo
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): period
[XK]`B!: Actually it was when TC was still around.
[XK]`B!: I wasn't officially on the roster.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): we existed when TC was around
[XK]`B!: I know.
[XK]`B!: You still deny eh?
[XK]`B!: You're quite pathetic.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i cant trust anything from u
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): ur just a huge load of bullshit
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): waiting to be picked up by the trashman
[XK]`B!: lol does baby want a bottle?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): too bad they dont run around Downtown gayVille
[XK]`B!: Too bad your jokes are bad.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): too bad u cant tell jokes from serious
[XK]`B!: You need to sharpen up on those skills.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): you need to get a life
[XK]`B!: I have one thank you very much.
[XK]`B!: Funny.
[XK]`B!: I was looking at the xk forums.
[XK]`B!: And to my surprise a clan mate of mine took screenies of the match we had in BG.
[XK]`B!: Everytime you died you cried aimbot and clickbot.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and you tell me that i need to sharpen my jokes.....-.-
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): it was clearly a clickbot
[XK]`B!: lol, you don't know true skill son. Go HPT.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i know how a clicbot looks
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i've had experience
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i know how the OGM(w.e) aimbotworks
[XK]`B!: Coming from someone who hasn't played other 07 clans?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i've had experience with that too
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): how come ur guys Sucked balllz
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when we were in chilllout
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): it was a decent match
[XK]`B!: Coming from someone has zero competitive experience?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and u lost by soo many points
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): cuz u cant aimbot
[XK]`B!: You didn
[XK]`B!: t
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when theprogram can tell the difference of colors
[XK]`B!: play the best of [XK]
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and u lost like fuck when u played in sidewinder
[XK]`B!: those are our "normal" players
[XK]`B!: ss?
[XK]`B!: You make all these claims but have no evidence.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): claims from chilllout?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): i have video proof
[XK]`B!: From what I heard, you guys used rockets?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): ill smack it on my site if u want
[XK]`B!: Post it.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): we used rockets?!??!?!
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): WOW
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): U ARE THE NOOBS
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and u say we used rockets
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u gotta be kidding me
[XK]`B!: lol, in CTF anything goes, in TS, no heavies. That's the standard mind set in 07.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): -.- wow ur retarded
[XK]`B!: Um, thats the 07 community.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): we didnt have rockets in chillout
[XK]`B!: That's what they said.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): of course, u would trust ur clan
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): while they didnt take anyvideo proof of it
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): -.-
[XK]`B!: And for an 04er like yourself who aimbots to deny that statement, well what can i say? You lie, you don't have skills and you should unistall halo.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): lmao
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): stilll stickin with ur guns
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when they clearly ran out of ammo
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u have no prooof
[XK]`B!: Nor do you.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and i cant trust u with anything
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): what do i need proof of?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u need to prove that i aimbot
[XK]`B!: I have proof you aimbot.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): omg
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): a desktop pic
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): is no proof
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): that i aimbot
[XK]`B!: You deny it but the halo community agrees with me.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): halo "community"
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when its just ur clan
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and prolly 3 other ppul
[XK]`B!: the majority is on my side
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): the clan
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): yea
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): thats bout it
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): "halo community" my ass
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u have no
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): fucking
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): prrof
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): proof*
[XK]`B!: I do.
[XK]`B!: Why you so dumb?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): no you dont
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): those videos
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): are bullshit
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): they dont show aimbotting
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): they show headshots, once
[XK]`B!: I do, have you sigtjacked, clearly aimbotting. lol?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): thats not aimboting u retard
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): he got a lucky shot, ONCE
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): how is that considered aimbotting
[XK]`B!: You're not even that good to be criticing skilled players.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): ur soo fulll of urself
[XK]`B!: Thank you.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): you think u can kick my ass anyday
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u think ur clan is tha great
[XK]`B!: 2003 to present?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): when all u guys do, is aimbot
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): clickbot
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and scare the fuck out of nubs
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): iz alll bullshit
[XK]`B!: Not really, we only have been around since the begining and beaten all the best clans in halo that are known in the community. Are respected by hundreds of halo players from other clans.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): like i said
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): ur popularity and respect
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): is just scaring ppul
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): so they dont mess with u
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): aka
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): "xenophobian collective"
[XK]`B!: not really
[XK]`B!: Unfortunately you got the bad side of me.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): of course i did
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and ur the onelaughing
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): how is it ur bad side?
[XK]`B!: Go talk to xeshin
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): ur the one havingthetime of ur life
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): and u still try to shit on us
[XK]`B!: You don't know me. Please don't assume you just make yourself look weak, using your own insecurites and reflecting them on other people.
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): like you
[XK]`B!: ?
[XK]`B!: Knock knock?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): g2g for now
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): pz
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u know what i meant
[XK]`B!: whose there?
ø³_ŜőüŀệÅ¡ş (HD): u cant resists
[XK]`B!: boo?
[XK]`B!: boo who?
[XK]`B!: boo hoo
Last edited by [XK]!B• on Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[XK] Ranger®
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Post#2 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:07 pm

funny shit... denies the fact that sightjacker actually works...

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ÐèsCént Zagan
Posts: 240

Post#3 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:12 pm

[XK] Ranger® wrote:funny shit... denies the fact that sightjacker actually works...

I remember them sightjacking me in CE, putting it in wireframe, then telling everybody I bot when it was just a recorded game of me playing Halo
04 scrub

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Post#4 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:25 pm

He denies that the two games after the first rapefest were not official, lolz!

When he signs on I'm gonna see what he says when I talk to him hehehe.

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Post#5 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:29 pm

this guy is fucking retarded
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#6 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:07 pm

lol ya idk y souless thinks he's so good, i've played him in 04, and he was trash....

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Post#7 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:26 pm

Basically if these videos that [XK] has shown to the community do not show undeniable evidence that these two indivudals aimbotted then answer me this 1) why did the DAT clan close right after we posted the evidence? 2) why did souless leave DAT coincidently after we posted this evidence? 3) Why isn't souless coming in these forums and defending himself and his former clanmate as he had done before?

To answer: This kid is just ignorant.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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Post#8 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:08 am


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Post#9 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:47 am



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Post#10 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:32 am


that is rather hilarious.
I asked him for a 1v1, his server in NY, and his map, on 1.04.. and he declined saying that he wasnt the best in his clan and just because he was leader didnt mean he was good...

i was like.. wtf.. clearly in your convo he thinks he is good and is almost challenging you to a 1v1... yet he backs down to me when I give him every advantage..

scrub but i'm a faggot anyways so don't listen to me
Halo Warrior: OS- uL` [XK] [HG] [SM] ~DRA~ $7

Let the Purification Commence... KW | CB CUP | HPT

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ÐèsCént Zagan
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Post#11 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:57 pm

[XK] ÞùRify¹ wrote:LOL

that is rather hilarious.
I asked him for a 1v1, his server in NY, and his map, on 1.04.. and he declined saying that he wasnt the best in his clan and just because he was leader didnt mean he was good...

i was like.. wtf.. clearly in your convo he thinks he is good and is almost challenging you to a 1v1... yet he backs down to me when I give him every advantage..

scrub but i'm a faggot anyways so don't listen to me

you need to stop making a big deal over scrub shits from 04, and ban souless from this forums b/c evidently he has enough balls to keep posting here
04 scrub

Posts: 282

Post#12 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:52 pm

ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: yo
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: dat assasin is a botter rite
k2`Šçλя: was
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: he did use it rite
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: wtf do u mean
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: u dont noe
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why u chanign ur story man
k2`Šçλя: oh
k2`Šçλя: ya
k2`Šçλя: he botted
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thank ui man
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why do ppl
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: say it was someone else framin him
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: ya rite
k2`Šçλя: he did cuz xk did
k2`Šçλя: he started the clan
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: rambo?
k2`Šçλя: lol
k2`Šçλя: rambo assasin and leet R THE person :P
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thanks for telling me that

IF ASSASIN WASNT RAMBO why is his own FORMER member sayin HE BOTTED? ummm

why DID DAT let RAMBO PLAY IN THE SCRIm when they never new WHO HE WAS?? fake MY ASS

EMAN, SOULESS AND OPTIK U ALL FUCKIN SUCK.... I FUCKIN WILL RAPE UR ASS ANALY... and SHip IT rite back to ur fuckin shit hole where u came from dumb bitch... get good at halo

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Post#13 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:59 pm

Killa25 wrote:ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: yo
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: dat assasin is a botter rite
k2`Šçλя: was
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: he did use it rite
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: wtf do u mean
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: u dont noe
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why u chanign ur story man
k2`Šçλя: oh
k2`Šçλя: ya
k2`Šçλя: he botted
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thank ui man
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why do ppl
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: say it was someone else framin him
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: ya rite
k2`Šçλя: he did cuz xk did
k2`Šçλя: he started the clan
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: rambo?
k2`Šçλя: lol
k2`Šçλя: rambo assasin and leet R THE person :P
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thanks for telling me that

IF ASSASIN WASNT RAMBO why is his own FORMER member sayin HE BOTTED? ummm

why DID DAT let RAMBO PLAY IN THE SCRIm when they never new WHO HE WAS?? fake MY ASS

EMAN, SOULESS AND OPTIK U ALL FUCKIN SUCK.... I FUCKIN WILL RAPE UR ASS ANALY... and SHip IT rite back to ur fuckin shit hole where u came from dumb bitch... get good at halo

If id known earlier that leet was assassin, I could have got proof of him aimbotting.
Oh well

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ÐèsCént Zagan
Posts: 240

Post#14 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:01 pm

[XK]`Agóur wrote:
Killa25 wrote:ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: yo
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: dat assasin is a botter rite
k2`Šçλя: was
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: he did use it rite
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: wtf do u mean
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: u dont noe
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why u chanign ur story man
k2`Šçλя: oh
k2`Šçλя: ya
k2`Šçλя: he botted
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thank ui man
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: why do ppl
k2`Šçλя: idk
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: say it was someone else framin him
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: ya rite
k2`Šçλя: he did cuz xk did
k2`Šçλя: he started the clan
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: rambo?
k2`Šçλя: lol
k2`Šçλя: rambo assasin and leet R THE person :P
ThE~GamE!|ॐ|TeRrOrisT~: thanks for telling me that

IF ASSASIN WASNT RAMBO why is his own FORMER member sayin HE BOTTED? ummm

why DID DAT let RAMBO PLAY IN THE SCRIm when they never new WHO HE WAS?? fake MY ASS

EMAN, SOULESS AND OPTIK U ALL FUCKIN SUCK.... I FUCKIN WILL RAPE UR ASS ANALY... and SHip IT rite back to ur fuckin shit hole where u came from dumb bitch... get good at halo

If id known earlier that leet was assassin, I could have got proof of him aimbotting.
Oh well

leet assassin and rambo are all the same person 100% sure, i got milkman to help me prove it onetime so i can rightfully accuse him of making fake screenies
04 scrub


Post#15 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:22 pm


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