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[M2K] Terra BOTTING!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:51 am
by [XK]!B•
Scrimmed [M2K] and got botted on.;10 ... einfo.html

[M2K] Terra's xfire: uberbojack
^tried out for [XK] and got denied

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:32 am
by [XK]Mátêrìã
what a phucking idiot

it pisses me off because I used to play against him in scrims alot.

And still outclass him :)

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:03 am
by scene

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:53 pm
by [XK]`Tømé»
He botted against me before he applied, didn't want to say anything cuz i didn't have any proof.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:00 pm
by [XK]Mátêrìã
[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:what a phucking idiot

it pisses me off because I used to play against him in scrims alot.

And still outclass him :) ... einfo.html

That uber guy is fuckin waste of a cd-key
I can't believe he had the BALLZ to baWT against ME AGAIN. He didn't even use temps clickbot v2 he used to old fashion piece of shit. I SEE THAT AS DISRESPECT, so I am all over this mothafucka.

So i told chalupa/ m2k ninja:

[21:05] [XK]american ganster: hey u
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: hey yooo
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: dont let a botter take u place next time
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: lol
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: LOL
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: whos raidon
[21:05] [XK]american ganster: tell me plz
[21:05] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: uberbojack
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we give him one more chance
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: wow
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he botted..
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we made him delete everything
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yeah
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i recorded
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i botted in kw
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: too
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: the wohle fucking time
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: people bot
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i sj'ed him
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he just has to learnt o break addiction
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we had him delete his bots
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he's an idiot
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: and nobody is sending him anytyhing
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he still has it
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: no he doesnt
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: dude
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did you sightjack him again?
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: are u retarded?... no offense
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: i just said
[21:06] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: if hes caught again hes gone for good
[21:06] [XK]american ganster: he botted
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: ya he did
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: in that last match
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: not be4
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: i know he did be4
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: just now
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: after u left that match
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: he took ur spot
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: he was getting sketchy shots
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: i sjed him
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:07] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he recordd it
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: recorded
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: and he botted
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: would u like me to upload?
[21:07] [XK]american ganster: im not dumb
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: i know exactly how a bot looks like
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: he didnt even use a clicky
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i saw
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: he used the old version
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: shiftbot
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: the one koolaid uses
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: so u believe me or must i upload?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he did
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i saw the video
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: or must i smash m2k's name
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: um
[21:08] [XK]american ganster: what video?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: we give a botter
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: another chance
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: bad thing?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did hpt keep koolaid banned for good?
[21:08] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: they gave him a chance
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: ninja
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: bojack is a retard
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he wont stop
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he botted dozens of times vs me in the past
[21:09] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yea he will
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he even botted vs xk
[21:09] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i believe him cuz i stopped
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: well
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: bud
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: he just botted vs me
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: 3 min ago
[21:09] [XK]american ganster: that is sure a change aye?
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: m2k's name sure has lost it's pride
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: im sure he didnt
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: he recorded those matches
[21:10] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: all of em
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: i just told u
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: wow
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: ninja
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: he botted
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: i recorded
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: would u like me to upload?
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: he's a retarded
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: quit holding his dick
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: really
[21:10] [XK]american ganster: wowz
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: he bots
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i know
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: he will never change
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: did you record last game?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: hes like temp
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOW
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: WAIT
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: UR SAYING
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: UR RETARDED
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: GJ
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: LOL
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: you sightjacked and recorded him last game?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: YES
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOWOWOW
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: upload it
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: was i not clear?
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: WOW
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: lmao
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i wanna c it
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: i asked if u wanted to see it too...
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: if its true hes gone for good
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: ill upload
[21:11] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: : P
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: give me a sec
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: yea
[21:11] [XK]american ganster: thats what i wanna here
[21:12] [XK]american ganster: not some next chance bs
[21:12] [XK]american ganster: i knew we were on diff pages
[21:12] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: k give me a bit
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: how long wil lit take?
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: my comp sucks
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: like
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: this is shitty
[21:13] [XK]american ganster: 20 mins
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: i have a match
[21:13] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: see u in 20 ... einfo.html

If this chalupa clown guy doesn't get rid of this idiot I am going to single handed smash m2k's remaining rep. I'll post the convo afterwords.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:24 pm
by [XK]Light
Well thats M2k for u.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm
by [XK]Mátêrìã
[22:49] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: vid please?
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: BOUT TIME
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: ... einfo.html
[22:53] [XK]american ganster: so what do plan on doing now chappyhead
[22:54] [XK]american ganster: i told u bojack is always going to be a dire kid
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: just like tmp
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: so hes gone
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: banned from vent
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: but first im fuckin with him
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: to see him deny it
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: right before me
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: lol
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: can
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: i
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: come
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: sure
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: under a diff name
[22:55] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: u have info?
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: give
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: w8
[22:55] [XK]american ganster: i hav
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: m2k vent right?
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: 4606
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: yeah
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: im not gonna say anything cuz i already bashed him
[22:56] [XK]american ganster: and he will think something is up
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: k
[22:56] [M2K] .N¡NjA † BANNED: come on in

To make a long story short we gave uberbojack link to his own video and he CLEARLY denied himself botting.

Chalupa: "you didn't see anything weird in that video?"
uberbojack: "no"
Chalupa: "what about the time when you follow the guy through the wall"
Chalupa: "it's called an aimbot..."
Chalupa: "So you aimbotted right?"
uberbojack: "yeah"

banned from vent

Chalupa got pissed at his nonchalance and
banned him from the m2k clan as well as the m2k vent.

And this concludes my pointless rant


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:45 am
by XK·FD~Nazi`
good job, seems like some [M2K] are idiots, that x-fire conversation is like wow.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:40 am
by [XK]Disciple
Wow LMAO Ninja sure is a slow person.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:43 am
by [XK]Mátêrìã ... topic=2396

ninja being accused of botting

Seeing this thread again and reading how he feels about botting... I don't see why he wouldn't use one >_>

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:30 pm
by [XK]m1stake
you will never make the 6 o' clock news

because this is not news :'(

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:48 pm
by vish
not only a botter but he also pretends to be someone who he isn't. When he toke a break from halo for 3-4 months and came back, he was like i was busy playing gears of war for MLG. He said he was in tv and shit and i proved him wrong. H e applied for (AoG) and said he was rok-angel. botted in 1v1s and i have a video where i 1v1ed him and i went 25-5 on him. no one likes him. :(

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:44 pm
by [XK] J·Roc
vish wrote:no one likes him. :(

Shit you two have something in common then.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:35 pm
by [XK]m1stake
mind the drunk guy