RR 61

video clips from the Halo community.
=The General=
Posts: 6604

RR 61

Post#1 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:49 pm

=Highly Respected Member=
Posts: 1070

Re: RR 61

Post#2 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:37 pm

Because I'm choosing to upload one of my videos, I'm going to critique the ones you and lash put out. Also, I've been on hold from visa, and vizio for 30 minutes so far today, so I have this kind of time.

Early thoughts: You're not nading at all. You rushed a guy with os without nading him in the beginning, and failed to get an easy kill because you had 3 nades but wanted to shoot him.

At some point you're fighting some people under os at flamer and the other team grabs the flag, you do not immediately port back but still keep shooting some nigga under os. This is bad, you should immediately port, because if you would of died shooting someone who cannot help them cap, I would solely blame you if the other team would of capped (You have the best angle shooting at invis guys). Good thing you killed them.

I'm about 5 minutes in and can't help but notice what in god's name is your team doing. You killed 2 invis by yourself and a 3rd appears shortly after while you retreat to base, that leaves 3 people doing absolutely nothing, and you don't cap either.

At about 6:25 I'm laughing pretty hard at the failure.
11 minutes NICEEE killtact.. OH YOUR JUST RAPIN THEM NOW. See now that's when I'm saying to myself yea I don't have to nade because I'm shooting well.

They got the dick.!

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: RR 61

Post#3 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:01 pm

lmao. yes. I just want to shoot consistently like that all the time. I rly should nade more because nades are so goddam powerful in this stupid game

I didn't try to find the part where you say I should have ported back, but I'm going to assume the reason i don't port immediately is because I was afraid of being naded (as most people will throw nades at the invis port shortly after they grab it) and wanted to make sure I could port unscathed. Not sure if this is the case or not, but it's the only explanation I could think of to explain that.

And yes most of the time I have no idea what my team is doing. Thank you

edit: yea 6:25 was awful. I am bad.

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