[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:kid always plays heH, so any other map i doubt he'd win as easily.
that is correct lash, in our latest 1v1, it took place in hangemhigh. we tied our scores 10-10 (just like our sensitivites, IRONY!).
after that match i said to myself "i woudlve lost anywhere else".
then i thought about chillout. then i dozed off in the chair for two minutes and woke up with a headache. i drank some water and went outside, me and delroy went to the park and schooled up some fags.
then we rode to 178 street with our bikes to meet 2 girls that we met at rum jungle. i thought i saw temp at rum jungle but then i remembered he wasnt coolie.
178 ping reminded me of the ping i used to get in errors server.
then i went back on halo