
competitive matches and clan wars
=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: [GL]

Post#61 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:46 pm

They had red on dammy and you are making a big deal of him dropping 47 and losing? I mean they didn't even manage ONE cap. LOL

I mean do you get more retarded as you post or what? And clearly all his teammates had good ping in the hpt screenshot. (or are you blind as well as retarded) Plus I think at least 2 of them weren't mexican (I know because I made fun of them and they said they weren't, I think one of them was Sorrow).

But hey keep talking like you know what's up.

And again it seems no matter which hpts I win in (again I rarely play) you either make the excuse

1. Any shitty can win against any team at least one team


2. You were playing a horrible team.

That's pretty damn convenient.

And how does it not matter if that is Hypnos as Twinkle? Are you dumb? I HAVE NOT LOST TO THE LIL nigga yet you claim he's better than me. Gawd your retarded.

Oh when he played for IDK- and Crossfire, Louie and the rest carried him?

LOlolOL funny, just like how Aqua used to carry you and your faggot friends and how Teflon and Cuba do nowadays. LoloLOL shitty

I'm better than you bye.

Posts: 19

Re: [GL]

Post#62 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:50 pm

You have no idea what you're talking about LOL. You're making it a big deal because you beat GL on HPT with players far better than XK on your team lmao. Erosion I'll love to see you make that statement on HPT forums LMAO( You know you won't though, since you're pussy in the comfort of your own wittle forums lulz). It would be a good watch though lmfao.

Aqua, doesn't carry when he's playing for kills. You wouldn't know that since you've never played with him. Secondly, Cuba and Teflon carry since when? GOOD STATISTICS BRO! - As if you would know you're terrible.

It's like you leech, propaganda of who you think "carries" and is "good" when clearly you suck dick, along with your fellow teammates. Yo for the record, h2oBlade is probably better than you, there's soo many players out there I can just pick out of a hat that's better than you and XK as a whole.

I would name a few ppl that carry, XK but you're all equally bad.

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Re: [GL]

Post#63 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:54 pm

You'd think that a game as old as Halo wouldn't have people going through such great lengths to show the veins on their e-peen. Guess not.

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: [GL]

Post#64 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:02 pm

You have no idea what you're talking about LOL. You're making it a big deal because you beat GL on HPT with players far better than XK on your team lmao. Erosion I'll love to see you make that statement on HPT
When did I blow your dick? Excuse me? Did I go on the hpt forums and say LOLOL ASSASSIN IS BAD or did I find whatever other forum you troll and start shit? You came to us there big guy. Keep being bad.
LOL and i'm still betta den U 'p33n'
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:07 pm
ahahahaha Wow LOL you are doing exactly what I am doing. I guess you finally (you idiot) figured out I was just repeating "I'm better than you" for like the last 24 hours and now you are just going to repeat that line.
It's funny I'm so awesome you copied my style bRo. Keep being 2nd to me bUd
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:17 pm
Uh no you keep posting the same thing with Hav and 2v2s in every thread. Hav will be the first one to tell you he does not carry me in 2v2s but hey keep being ignorant.
I never spent 2 grand on anything LOL what check your factZ oh and I've never lost to Hypnos. Why do you keep saying the same (wrong) thing over and over again you palsy.
ps. I'm better than you bye.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:26 pm
What? Lol I make more money in a month than you do in a year and you talk to me about money? What.
Fuck you're stupid. I have like 2 8800s? Lol you realize those graphics cards are way outdated like say 4-5 years? I'm sorry your jealous you couldn't afford something like that with your low income halo job, but hey at least you got those golds.
Yeah I spent approximately a grand on a new computer. Why? Because before that I had a laptop that gave me 20 fps and I had the money to be able to afford a nice computer that would last me the next 4-5 years. I certainly didn't buy the computer to be better at halo. How ever would I play games like Crysis and Mw2 on my laptop that only got 20 fps with halo?
u dum ignorant nigga
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:27 pm
Hey lets play right now?
OH that's right your computer is conveniently 'fried' and it happened to be 'fried' the moment you started talking shit on our forums. You certainly couldn't have talked shit at a time when you would be able to back that up, but hey that's just me using common sense. You wouldn't understand.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:34 pm
Cool story brah?
I feel like I just used that line 2 or 3 times previously.
OH I SEE, you are copying the way I talk once again. All that intense hpt battling must have stunted your ability to come up with an original thought.
yumadubad bye I'm>U lata
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:43 pm
Indians really are the most stubborn motherfuckers on the planet. You clearly have nothing else to add to this thread and just want the last word by quoting the same thing for the 10th time. Nobody here cares for your input. Do you get that? As far as anybody here is concerned (AND HEY LETS FACE IT ONLY SHITTIES VIEW THESE FORUMS) I am better than you. So what's the point of posting anything to the contrary? Nobody you know is going to see it (but hey 100 dollars you go post either on the hpt forums about us or go brag to some other shitty we don't care about about how XK is bad and how you raped us).
Oh wait you already have done that over and over and over again.
You're too easy bye.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:52 pm
Again with money when I make far more than you do. yeah I'm half Indian, but I could care half a shit about that part of my background. Half paki? I mean when you have to make up insults I know you have nothing to go on.
I mean you acted like you brainstormed when you came up with the name erosion. Fuck it was probably a name you had used previously like the other one you suggested at the time (Blitz was it?) Who cares.
I mean end up what? Old? I mean I hope I don't end up young as I grow up. That'd just be unnatural. Did you find some fountain of ever lasting youth? Are you going to stay a boy forever like Peter Pan? LOL Idiot. Sad? How am I a sad person? Again another insult with no backing. You know next to nothing about me. Drug addict? I smoke here and there and drink some but that doesn't make me an addict and it's not like I go bragging about it on the hpt forums like your buddies do with all their "Show me your buds" threads.
But good one again. Way to make yourself look as terrible as always. Same ole Assassin. Nothing new here folks move along.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:02 pm
Spam-game? Do you have nothing better to do with your time? I guess not with your computer being "fried" it's not like you can do the intense hpt battling. Not like you have a job or anything I guess and if you do attend college I guess that studying can put itself off. Arguing on a halo forum is much more productive.
Last edited by Garniso on Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: they see me trollin' they hatin'

Posts: 19

Re: [GL]

Post#65 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:10 pm

Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:04 pm
Awwww. Seems like you're mad to me. Oh, btw.
Erøsion blows my dick. LOLOLOL, and get's carried by Havoc in 2v2s vs. chewy and neeto LOLOLOL!
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:11 pm
No, I just kept quoting my self. You, retyped it back. LOLb@d.
P.S: You're awful.
P.P.S: You spent like two grand for a game and still blow dick.
P.P.P.S: Hypnos>XK( Especially your LOLLOLOL)
PPPPPPP.S: You like Spam & Eggs?
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:20 pm
You're b@d. You and I both know you spent ENOUGH cASH Mon3Y for this game LOL, and you fucking spent money for this forum, and your own server LOLS@D.
2 ezz ero, try to keep up.
P.S: You blow diq, your clan blows diq, your video(s) are going to suck, and you get carried when you spend well over a grand(HAPPY not 2 grand) solely for this game. Dude you have like 2 8800's nuff said, terrible.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:25 pm
I don't understand how you have all this time to reply, back post after post after post. Yet, you can't play matches when I ask you, fucking awful. Hey, at least you're good @ dodgeball lulzz. I wouldn't be anywhere near here if my shit didn't crash, oh well i'll p33n you lataa.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:28 pm
Cool story brah, you're still b@d and spend mad-cassssh for a game you were never, and to this day aren't good in. LOLB@D.
P.S: I'll always be better than you and your 7 year old pub-clan.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:31 pm
I'll gladly stomp you and XK for the 100,000th time when I get my shit fixed. Unlike you i'm not going to be spending thousands of dollars for an online video game. God you're fucking bad.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:36 pm
WAIT So, you created that line " COOL STORY BRAH?" LOLB@D!.
P.S Bettdenyoushitty.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:45 pm
Yeah, I guess indians are considering you're an indian. Or half paki/ half white-bread no fucking idea, don't care; still spending cash online for no use, and being horrible at the same game.
me> eroosion.
It's funny, I even helped you come up with the name Erøsion, when you hated being called Omega. Palsy ass, 2 faced looking niggeh, it's probably the white-bread in you. Wouldn't suspect anything less though, especially if you end up like one of your e-pals!(OLD,BAD, SAD, DRUG-ADDICTS)
Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:54 pm
Once again, Cool Story BRO.
It's bad enough, I've humiliated your clan on several other forums, but it's even worse when you continue to play the spam-game on YOUR own forums. LOLB@D.
You're bad, hop off; and continue getting carried at the same game you've spent 1000-2000 dollas on.
Last edited by Garniso on Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Most of your spam posts condensed

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Posts: 19

Re: [GL]

Post#66 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:41 am

And here I thought Erosion was talking to himself LOL

@ kronic
Are you jealous cause Erosion can earn his money while your still begging your mom for yours? I have nothing against you but your argument about money is fucking retarded

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Posts: 4351

Re: [GL]

Post#67 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:51 pm

For the record, here is the order in which these screen shots took place.


kronic wrote:B said "I'm never playing GL ever again" lmao.

I sure did!

kronic wrote:I'm not surprised at all, XK always end up quitting out or just play the one match alone when they can't take heat.

GG Hypnos!
kronic wrote:B said "I'm never playing GL ever again" lmao.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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Posts: 2471

Re: [GL]

Post#68 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:19 am

Reopened it to say THANK YOU for posting that first screenshot - dick lol

str8 rape

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: [GL]

Post#69 » Sat May 08, 2010 3:39 am


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