SimCity 5

=The General=
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Re: SimCity 5

Post#16 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:25 am

[XK]Garniso wrote:

At least bother to read the article where it says, in bold text might I add, that this isn't synced and therefore doesn't save to the server. You'd have to do a fair amount of modifying to try and get the the game to spoof into thinking you are the other city's owner before you could do ACTUAL damage.

Actually it says

he turned off synching to the server so as not to actually cause permanent harm to his friend's city.

Which insinuates he could if he wants to

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#17 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:18 pm

I'm sure if it had insinuated that it was possible to steal peoples social security number you'd be all over that. The fact is that the article is overly hyped BS instead of accurate reporting.

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#18 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:56 pm

But, there are hacks out there that allow malevolent players to exploit the always-on aspect of the game. In one video, which was uploaded onto YouTube, a special hack is revealed that allows players enter into towns and cities created by other players to cause so much trouble and damage. With that said, you can go into another player's city and total destroy the place. Depending on whether synching is on or off, the damage can be permanent. In the case of the video, the modder turned off synching to not destroy the city permanently as to only demonstrate this hack.


=The General=
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Re: SimCity 5

Post#19 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:57 pm

[XK]Garniso wrote:I'm sure if it had insinuated that it was possible to steal peoples social security number you'd be all over that. The fact is that the article is overly hyped BS instead of accurate reporting.

Nah I'd check other sources to see whether it was true. Don't be mad you bought a shitty game and now feel obligated to defend your bad investment

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#20 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:41 pm

You realize that the paragraph you just quoted from this 2nd gaming news site is just linking back to the first one that you posted. So again, good job there drinking the overly-hyped sensationalize title BS koolaid.

In the box below is a short explanation about what is going on in terms of this hack for those that are interested. If not, skip it.
Spoiler: show
Simcity has an observer mode which allows you to view other cities and play around with them a bit (if they have a sports arena you can schedule an event to see how much money is made) but none of this actually saves to the the server because you do not own the city. What the "hack" that Euro is posting about does is twist the code in your game to think that it is your city and thus allow edit mode. Hence the destruction you see in the video. But the server still says "hey, this is not your city so I'm not saving the data changes you made" which means that even if you turned on syncing on your own game (which the guy in the youtube video turned off since he didn't want to chance it actually saving when he tested it as per his own words), the changes would not save. You'd have to go much further and spoof client IDs into thinking that you actually own the city. Could it be possible? Yes since hacking into any game is possible. But as it has yet to be demonstrated that such a thing can be done, lets not go around screaming the world is ending just yet.

[XK]Erøsion wrote:Nah I'd check other sources to see whether it was true. Don't be mad you bought a shitty game and now feel obligated to defend your bad investment

Meh, classic Erosion tactics I see. $29 bucks doesn't faze me and I made a good sized post about some of my early frustrations with the game (I even took a page out of the Erosion playbook and posted a graph to support my claim). But, by all means, go right along thinking I'm trying to defend the game because I'm butt hurt about it. At least I can actually buy games.

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#21 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:39 am


"At least I can actually buy games"


good one

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#22 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:04 am

Got an email today

Our SimCity Mayors are incredibly important to the team at Maxis. We know we messed up and want to sincerely thank you for staying with us. The good news is we have solved most of the major issues and players are really enjoying the game. We're getting great feedback from our fans and know that many of you are having fun and are exploring this whole new expression of SimCity.

As a small token of our appreciation, we are offering you a free EA PC game download on Origin*. Mayors who have authenticated their copy of SimCity on Origin by March 25 can select a free game through a redemption portal inside the Origin desktop client later this week. We'll be opening up the redemption portal country-by-country so some of you may see it a little sooner than others. The portal will be live worldwide for everyone to select their game by March 22.

We don't want any of you to miss out your free game, so please note that you must register your copy of SimCity before March 25, 2013 at 11:59 PM PST and you must claim your free game by March 30, 2013 at 11:59PM PST. For more information, including instructions on how to get your free game and a list of eligible games, please read our FAQ. We've included some of the hottest games in the EA portfolio, so pick one and add it to your Origin library on us!


Who else is getting a free game and never had a single issue?
I'm up to 4 cities, the best being at 180,000 pop

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#23 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:52 pm

[XK]meancloth wrote:Who else is getting a free game and never had a single issue?
I'm up to 4 cities, the best being at 180,000 pop

Your cities are still small potatoes compared to the ones I'm managing. I don't mean to brag, but you'll start noticing the serious problems with the game once you get bigger cities. For example, my city "Plains of Garn" is at "330K" population (down from over 400K after two disasters) with several trade ports, processor factories, TV factories, and smelting factory. I have the ability to roll in the cash from these industry. But all of this requires space that I can't afford to use up with utilities so......
....I had to make a 2nd city ("WorkHorse") in the same region to try and supply utilities to my main city. Right now it is has excesses of 770MW of power, 1050 kgal/hr of water, 370kgal/hr sewage all with a population of 5K people.

My second slave city has plenty of utilities to supply my main city so I figured I could shut down my main city's water/power/sewage plants to better utilize the space and just buy it from my slave city.....or so that was the plan. It turns out that my main city is only able to see a fraction of the available resources of the slave even after hours of real time waiting for the region to sync up. Even then, my main city will only use a fraction of the slave resources that are available.....all the while my main city is complaining that that there isn't enough power/water/sewage.

I even have large coal mine that is shut down because of a lack of water even though the data map clearly shows that it is getting water.....WTF!

And lets not even get into my other issue of radiation after a nuclear reactor decided to blow up all because the sims working there went from highly educated to retarded for no reason and after the explosion they were highly educated again.

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#24 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:00 am

Looks like some low wealth republicans moved in with their mountain of regression, built right into my liberal ass windmill.


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Re: SimCity 5

Post#25 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:46 am

Created a private server and sought to see what benefits arise when your neighbors *cough* Garn *cough* don't bleed you dry of your resources.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Dedicated to Dylan Ross aka [XK] Naut RIP

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#26 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:34 am

You're just mad because your schools are failing. Besides, you have like 200K in the bank in your city and i'm not buying anything from you atm.

=The General=
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Re: SimCity 5

Post#27 » Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:19 am

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#28 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:59 am

just giving this a bump as I'm back in the swing of this at the moment..

simcity is getting a major update to version 2.0 tomorrow

Looks like they have finally sorted out casinos and tourism! HAPPY!

Major Additions:

Mayors Mansion: Mayors will now drive their fancy cars to work. Mayors will take their helicopter, limo, or sports car if the modules are present.

HUD: Now color-corrects when in a colorblind mode.

Data map: Data maps show the filtered color when a color filter is enabled (unless in a colorblind mode)

Fixes and Updates:

Cities not Processing: Mitigates some of the issues that were causing cities not to process. We are continuing to work on and improve this issue.

Region Filters: Now sorts regions with available cities to the top

Invitations: Invitations to join a region should be sent and received more quickly.

Tourism: Fixes for unexplained fluctuation of tourists. Tourists more smartly counted on transit.

Cruise Ships are now more effective at bringing medium and high wealth tourists in coastal cities.

New tourists will now decide to come into a city once leaving tourists reach train stations, bus depots, or cruise ship docs instead of waiting for those tourists to go out to the region first. This change will reduce the downtime of tourist buildings.

Casinos: Casinos tuned so that Gambling will be a more profitable specialty. Players can bulldoze and replace existing casinos to see effects of tuning.

The larger casinos now invite more tourists into the city which helps keep them full.
Note that existing casinos will need to be replaced to take advantage of this change.

More Casinos: Raised module limit on Sci-Fi and Sleek Casinos to 6 modules.

Region Play: Cash gifts can now be received in a bankrupt city.

Education: Fixed school buses getting stuck at the high school. Existing Schools will fix themselves.

Education: Fixed school buses picking up students at neighboring cities that didn’t have school bus stops.

Education: Fix to more accurately track regional student population.

Education: Fix where kids leaving the school bus stop would teleport to the nearest pedestrian path instead of walking directly into the school.

Education: University wings now give the proper bonus.

Recycling: Fix for the Recycling Center where it would sometimes stop working, recycling services will visit other cities.

Air Pollution: Fixed issue where air pollution would appear to come from nowhere.

Fix issues where your regional air pollution would be reflected back into your box for a double penalty.

Fire Service: Fire Trucks don’t clump, dispatch to fires more efficiently.

Water: Water pumps are now capable of pumping water from rivers at a larger radius so they can take better advantage of the water table in a city.

Disasters: Cooldown for random disasters: Some players were getting hit too frequently with random disasters, this introduces a cooldown where no random disasters will occur.

Trade: Fix for trade ports that suddenly stop shipping.

Transit: Street Cars and Buses go to high volume stops first.

TransitTransit: A city with residents and public transit will now provide the accurate amount of workers and shoppers to its neighbors.

Transit: A transit vehicle stuck in a pick-up or drop off loop will now go back to a garage instead of trying to pick up more people.

Transit vehicles should recover automatically after the update. If players want to force the recovery, turn off the stops that are having looping issues, wait a few game hours, then turn them back on.

Transit: Neighbors buses will now come in lower numbers into the city and do a better job at picking up local passengers first.

Residential Tuning: Residential-only cities have failure state.

Buildings are prevented from going up in density when they don’t have power or water.

The amount of happiness gained from low taxes, police, fire, and health outreach has been lowered.

Fixed some cases where buildings would not go abandoned when they should have.

Higher density residential buildings are no longer blocked from going abandoned due to not having enough money.

Happiness from low taxes does not double up every time it is given.

Losing happiness due to not having a job is more impactful.

Budgets: Fixed bug that prevented systems like fire, abandonment, garbage, and sewage from turning on when they were supposed to.

Audio: Fixes issue where audio will stop working after creating a large city or where phantom audio sounds play in a city.

Demolish: Fixes issue that occurred when players demolished buildings that had service vehicles, delivery vehicles, or agents out in the city or region. Previously, the agents would be in a state of limbo and would not recover when new buildings of that type were placed. This will no longer happen.

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Re: SimCity 5

Post#29 » Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:10 am

Project Orion - 3k Extended Boundary ---> Seems that some modders, dispite Maxis and EA claims otherwise, have been successful in extending the boundary of cities. This is a beta and only works in offline mode but shows that EA was full of shit.

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