b doesnt have shit on my metroing
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:54 pm
[XK]Erøsion wrote:I want that 3 minutes and 10 seconds back.
Also worth it to note that you essentially made a pub video. I assume some people actually scrim in this game, but I doubt you lot do. So unless you have footage from actual scrimmages it's pointless, boring, and not impressive.
[XK]Erøsion wrote:I'd hope bf3 would be a better game since halo came out in like 2001 but that doesn't mean it's more competitive. Well maybe now since halo is so ded but do you scrim in bf3? Or just basically pub all day? I mean pubbing can be fun, but it is hardly challenging. I'm guessing most of the time you get pretty great ratios and such which is fun and great, but it isn't the same as competing against a team of players working collectively to defeat you with strategies and stuff.
And do you have to level up to get weapons and shit? If so I hate that too. Everything should be equal from the start (I'm assuming it's CoD in the way you lv up and acquire weapons/upgrades)
B wrote:I find it a bit funny how you're making assumptions about a game - Battlefield when you haven't even played it at all.
B wrote:Maybe you're afraid because you won't be "the best" or...
B wrote:A new game, you're bound not be good at the start and maybe that hurts your ego, who knows?
B wrote: You're probably stuck in the halo mentality, wanting to boss kids.
B wrote:For the most part, the active members of this clan play it and you should too instead of making excuses.
B wrote:Now halo is dead to me and Battlefield is its more than welcomed replacement.
B wrote:Battlefield is far more competitive than halo even in a public setting because the game-play is 1000 times more dynamic and not linear like halo giving the player multiple ways to tackle an objective, kill, and way more opportunities to help the team while rewarding them with points that help unlock weapons/attachments/gadgets and upgrades.
B wrote:A lvl 1 character (for example) can easily kill lvl 100; they have the same health. It is really dependent on your play style and intelligence. I've seen people rank 1st with 0 kills. This game is not like halo and rewards players not solely based on kills.
B wrote:For me, I don't play for kills or ratio I play based on supporting my team mainly as the medic class, reviving squad/teammates, healing them.
B wrote:You have a choice. You have those that snipe, others that enjoy vehicle dominated maps. It is really based on your play style. I personally like up-close-and-personal maps, like close quarters but from time-to-time, I'll jump in a tank or ride a helicopter to get those experience points to unlock gadgets that will aid me.
B wrote:It would be nice to have you back playing with us and chilling in ts because honestly, I miss having you around.
[XK]meancloth wrote:On a side note I'd like to add that I was a lot better at halo when I first started than I was at Battlefield when I first started it. And when I started battlefield I already had years of experience with FPS's. Halo was my first (not counting Doom, battlezone, wolfenstein, marathon or quake[obvious reasons]). So having said that, it is clear that BF3 is a much harder game and proves that it takes more skill than other FPS's.