[XK] Bootcamp

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[XK] УåH
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[XK] Bootcamp

Post#1 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:24 pm

Summer is around the corner I have came up with an idea for those of you who are tired of getting owned in scrims and seem to accept that you cant get any better in terms of skill or teamwork.

Every Friday 9pm eastern we will have scrims where teamwork based games will be played we will try to spread out the veterans with the new school peeps. I highly reccomend the prospects to participate in these scrims. If you cant that day its alright just try to get in contact with any core member and let them know you cant make it.

Before the scrims start off I will talk to one person on blue and red team. Those who I select will provide feedback on the players on there team yes even me.

Things they will look for are but not limited to:

Usefull and Effective communication techniques.
Effective use of teamwork.
Leadership and Attitude.
Overall Skill.

(The feedback will be used to evaluate a player or players and to help better them. The main Idea is to have a knowledgable player help a struggling player with explaining there weaknesses and to give them a starting point to better them.)

I will start applying these fundamentals to every scrim and will start assigning some active members the responsibilties in my place if I am absent.

For now this will apply to Halo PC.

{Xk}& [XK] Welcome. If need be we will get some regulars to fill in spots.

Goals I tend to accomplish with this are more teamwork used in scrims/games. Have players know there members strength and weaknesses and therefore make fast and effective decisions during critical times in combat.

I understand some of you will think this will fail but believe me Its not as hard as I made it sound it will be real subtle and effective.

After everyone is done playing we will talk to those players the next time they sign on and talk about how they can better themselves. Players who want the feedback on how they did or what they can do better can talk to the person who I assigned to evaluate them in the scrims. They can use that feedback to talk to more veteran players to get usefull tips on bettering there gameplay.



Image <--sig made for me by the legendary zorg back in 05' =O


[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: i got 3D class's on
[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: o0
[XK]`ZoTOb!=XK=: its cool

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Post#2 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:26 pm

Sounds Great.

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Post#3 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:56 pm

yah i think i can make it every friday if its american time :D except when i have exams.
JO3-K||{xk}Rupture~! Xfire: St34L7H

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Post#4 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:31 pm

i'm down

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Post#5 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:35 pm

Death, this is a great idea and thanks for taking the initiative to get the ball rolling for something that'll positively help the clan.

There isn't anything I really want to add, but perhaps it could be on another night? People like to go out on Fridays. Wednesday night or another night during the week when people are less social might be better. Let's see how Friday's go first though.

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Post#6 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:52 pm

Great idea...I'll be active after june 23 to lend a hand.

Going on vacation this Wednesday.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#7 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:51 pm

This Is one OF THE ABSOLUTE AMAZING things i love about this clan.
Sorry for the caps, but this is super! Its a great thing to be having these scrims.

I will do my best to attend them, and my absolute best in them!

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Post#8 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:09 pm

i agree with brent, why fridays thats when we have team meetings around the keg niggas

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Post#9 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:19 pm

Yea I tend to go out most Fridays too, even more now that its summer. Maybe moving it to friday afternoons or evenings would be better. But great idea. I'll try my best to make it every week

Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
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Post#10 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:53 pm

Do you have to be Xk?

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Post#11 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:25 am

yo, i didn't read anything more than the first line or two. but it sounds like a solid idea. xfire me and i'll come.


i miss [XK]Dank, [XK]Dayz, [XK]Coca, and [XK]Murder. come back to me boys...

"you are unaware, regardless of what you may think"-[XK]B

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Post#12 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:41 am

[XK]LiquoR+ wrote:yo, i didn't read anything more than the first line or two. but it sounds like a solid idea. xfire me and i'll come.

You're always to lazy to read. How in the world did you pass school licknub.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Re: [XK] Bootcamp

Post#13 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:24 am

[quote="[XK] Ã

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=The General=
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Re: [XK] Bootcamp

Post#14 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:06 am

[quote="[XK][MAFIA]"][quote="[XK] Ã
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

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Post#15 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:26 am

Forget about the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

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