make flags bounce from 1 base to another on bg?

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make flags bounce from 1 base to another on bg?

Post#1 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:44 am

too hard to explain, but i'll show you if you're interested.

if you want to learn any of the other tricks that i'm about to list off you can ask me as well. can you:
slip into any rock? nade people in tunnels through walls on bc, bg, heh, rr, damny, or dc. do you know where the invisble wall is on dc? nade sniper, rockets, pistol, os, from any corner of hte map on hangemhigh. rocket frg to yourself from big hill on bg. nade frg to yourself from base on red on bg. snipe out hogs? snipe out ghosts? snipe out banshees? gargle mistakes balls? 1v1 strats? 2v2 strats? 3v3 strats? 4v4 strats? fuck 5v5's they are for fatkids. lag jump from bg hill into blue base on bg. lag jump into bat caves. lag jump into bat caves from big hill. lag jump into os caves. wall hop? get to the top of blood gulch? get into the secret room of damnation? get into the secret room on chillout? telefrag. telebump? crash any ventrilo? realy piss of daheat? have sex with midgets, goats, AND cheerleaders while being filmed and get away with it without anyone knowing it's you?

chyea, i can do them all. xfire or AIM me if you want to know how to do any of these tricks. i'm more than happy to show you.
Last edited by [XK]LiquoR+ on Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post#2 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:21 am

talk to me on xfire or msn liq

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Re: make flags bounce from 1 base to another on bg?

Post#3 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:44 am

I never knew there were so many tricks to know...

Especially interested in:

- nade people in tunnels through walls
- invisble wall is on dc?
- rocket frg to yourself from big hill on bg
- nade frg to yourself from base on red on bg
- snipe out banshees?
- lag jump from bg hill into blue base on bg. lag jump into bat caves. lag jump into bat caves from big hill. lag jump into os caves.
- get to the top of blood gulch?
- get into the secret room of damnation?
- get into the secret room on chillout?
- telefrag.
- telebumpcrash any ventrilo?

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Post#4 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:05 pm

Gargle mistake's balls sounds good, don't forget the listerine.
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Post#5 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:39 pm

i didn't mean telebump crash, elohel, i meant "telebump?" and "Crash any ventrio". my b.



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